!llmind Blap Kit Volume 9 WAV

!llmind Blap Kit Volume 9 WAV

!llmind Blap Kit Volume 9 WAV

May/17th/2017 | 24MB
“It’s that time of year folks. My magnum opus. The reason we are here today. I’m honored to present to you BLAP-KIT VOLUME 9. So what sets this volume apart from the rest, you ask? Well, for starters, I’ve almost DOUBLED the amount of one-shot sounds you get (roughly 250). The focus for this kit is to act as an all around, true GO-TO for any and all genres and styles.

Every single sound is sharper than Valyrian Steel (My Game Of Thrones heads know whats up).

I really focused on making sure each texture was balanced, usable, stackable and ready to just plug in and program away. I went tasteful on the reverbs and sustain trails here, so you can easily take these sounds and add your own effects to make them even more custom.

There are so many textures here.

This will probably be your GO-TO kit that you’ll find yourself coming back to the most.

What a time to be alive. Now go level up!” – !llmind

……:::::: Product Specifications ::::::……
• Format: WAVs
• Over 250 NEW Drum Sounds (Kicks, Snares, Hi-Hats, Claps, Various Percussion, Sound Effects, Drum Rolls And Fills, Drum Breaks, Grunts + More) in 16-bit/44 WAV Format
• 150+ x !llmind Blap-Kit
• 020+ x (BONUS): (Stank-Face) Snares (That Unexplainable Punch)
• 020+ x (BONUS): Full TR-808 Kit That-s (!ll-Mind-Ified)
• 020+ x (BONUS): GRUNTS (Signature Sound We Had To Bring Back)
• Compatible With ALL DAW Systems: (Logic, Reason, Ableton, FL Studio, Protools Etc)
• Vintage Reverb Machines Used: AMS RMX16, L480 & Baldwin Amp
• All Drum Sounds Were Sampled Into An Ensoniq ASR-10 AND Akai S-20 at 33khz/12-Bit For Maximum Warmth + Punch!
• All Drum Sounds Carefully Multi-Layered & Molded By !llmind To Create Truly, Never Before Heard Drums, Guaranteed
• NO Saturation/Flat (Pancake) Sounds
• Carefully Mastered Just (Under-Zero), NO Nasty (Digital-Clipping)
• All Drum Sounds Were Hand-Picked, Created And Stripped By !llmind Himself From His Personal Drum Stash
• ALL Sounds Are Completely Royalty-Free!



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