SONiVOX Vocalizer Pro 2.4.0

SONiVOX Vocalizer Pro 2.4.0

Part instrument, part processor, Vocalizer Pro is the ultimate instrument expansion tool. Offering endless sound-sculpting possibilities, Vocalizer Pro is ready to harmonize, modify, fortify, enhance, and re-synthesize any instrument—or any sound—in ways you never thought possible. Two rows of MIDI-mappable pads provide unbelievable performance control. The top row saves snapshots of parameter settings, while the bottom row stores multi-note chords for expressive real-time interaction.

Anything Goes

Vocalizer Pro is a totally unique MIDI controlled effect processor that can transform any audio track, any audio source, or the output from any VI in your DAW host into an unbelievably lush, musical, performance instrument. It’s unlike anything you’ve ever heard. But once you do hear it, you’ll wonder how you lived without it. Vocalizer Pro introduces advanced formant shifting to really make things pop.
4 x 4

Take a look at Vocalizer Pro. The main screen reveals four nearly identical Spectral Synthesis Modules. These four Modules can run be routed in, around, and through each other in various combinations to increase your sonic potential. Each Module includes a target pitch range for effective resynthesis. Take your pick from 16 Spectral Synthesis types. Next up is your choice of over 16 filter configurations with full envelope, cutoff, resonance, and saturation controls. Add to that a sync-able LFO with multiple waveforms, pitch envelope, balance control—and you can see how each Module can pump new life into your sound. Now start combining the Modules anyway you want and the possibilities are endless.
Play to Win

Once you’ve conjured that spectacular sound, play it in performance as only Vocalizer Pro can. Two rows of completely MIDI-mappable performance pads are the key. Use the first row to memorize Snapshots of alternate parameter settings, and switch between them instantly for blazing performance power. Set up simple or complex chord voicings on each pad in the second row. Now you can leap into action and navigate chords changes and swap settings in performance—either from the screen of from any set of MIDI pads. Nothing else offers this kind of audio exhilaration.



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