Godlike Loops Cash Flow WAV MIDI

Godlike Loops Cash Flow WAV MIDI

‘Cash Flow – Inspired by Drake’ by Godlike Loops comes with 99 Loops, 70 MIDI Files and 45 One Shots. This pack will provide you with must-have samples to help you produce your next hit track, including Pads, Pianos, Synths, Keys, Vocal Chops, Arps, Hard and Bouncy 808 samples, Punchy Kicks, Crazy Hi-Hat loops, Snares, Claps, Percs, and more.MIDI files are included so you can control your project thoroughly. The MIDI files allow you to apply the melodies to any sound. Alternatively, Drag and Drop the WAV files into your DAW of choice to get started on your next track.

Inside, you’ll also find One-Shots, allowing you to create new beats, fills, and loops to complement the existing material. Load them up into your sampler of choice and create an infinite number of Drum Loops.

And, of course, all Loops & Samples are 100% Royalty-Free!

Product Details:

• 99 WAV Loops (Including Drums, Melodics, and Vocals)
• 70 MIDI Files
• 45 One-Shots
• 44.1 kHz / 24-Bit WAV Quality
• Key & Tempo Labelled
• 100% Royalty-Free

Godlike Loops 制作的《Cash Flow – Inspired by Drake》包含 99 个 Loops、70 个 MIDI 文件和 45 个 One Shots。该音源包将为你提供必备的采样,帮助你制作下一首热门歌曲,包括 Pads、Pianos、Synths、Keys、Vocal Chops、Arps、Hard and Bouncy 808 采样、Punchy Kicks、Crazy Hi-Hat Loops、Snares、Claps、Percs 等。通过 MIDI 文件,您可以将旋律应用到任何音效中。您也可以将 WAV 文件拖放到您选择的 DAW 中,开始制作下一首曲目。

此外,你还能在其中找到 One-Shots,让你创建新的节拍、填充和循环来补充现有素材。将它们加载到你选择的采样器中,就能创建无限多的鼓循环。

当然,所有循环和采样都是 100% 免版税的!


– 99 个 WAV Loops(包括鼓、旋律和人声)
– 70 个 MIDI 文件
– 45 个单曲
– 44.1 kHz / 24 位 WAV 品质
– 标有调性和速度
– 100% 免版税


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