BVKER’s Synthwave sample pack is the ultimate toolkit for every synth- or retrowave producer. It’s packed with a total of 1165 files and literally contains everything you need to produce this genre.……:::::: Huge Drum Sounds ::::::……
Since Synthwave is a genre inspired by the 80s, you’ll often hear sounds from legendary drum machines by brands, such as Roland, Linn and E-Mu. My team and I picked only the best source sounds and surgically refined each sample using state-of-the-art processing equipment. The result is an insane drum library, consisting of one shots, loops and fill-ins.……:::::: Melancholic Retro Synths ::::::……
In addition to the drum library you’ll get access to 80 top-level Serum presets and 42 wavetables we’ve made importing analog synth shots into Serum. Every Serum preset comes with 4 macros so you can tweak them without knowing anything about sound design at all. Because we know that not every producer owns a copy of Serum we bounced every preset in multiple keys so you can still use all sounds using a sampler of your choice.

……:::::: Beautiful Melodies ::::::……
You’re new to music theory or face writer’s block from time to time? With BVKER’s Synthwave sample pack you can say goodbye to problems like this forever. It’s filled with a total of 144 melodic, arp and bass loops you can use to start new productions. The best part? Every audio loop comes with a fitting MIDI file so you can change up the sound and play around with the notes. All files are BPM and key-labeled to ensure a quick and easy workflow.

……:::::: Product Specifications ::::::……
• Format: (.WAVs) & (.MIDIs) & (.Synthesizer VSTi Presets)
• 0004 x Construction Kits – (Including: • (.Audio Stems)
• 0004 x Mixed & Mastered FullMix/Preview Demos – (.WAVs)
• 0032 x Individual (.WAVs) (.Audio Stems) Files
• 0115 x Drum Loops
• 0027 x Drum Fills
• 0340 x Drum Shots
• 0010 x FX
• 0026 x Arp Loops – (Including: 26 x (.MIDIs) Files)
• 0042 x Bass Loops – (Including: 42 x (.MIDIs) Files)
• 0034 x Melodic Loops – (Including: 34 x (.MIDIs) Files)
• 0269 x Synth Multi Shots
• 0080 x (.Synthesizer VSTi Presets) Files For (Xfer Records Serum)
• 0102 x Individual (.MIDIs) Files
• 0941 x Individual (.WAVs) (.Loops/Samples) Files
• 1165 x Files In Total
• Key And Tempo-Labelled
• 44.1kHz/24-Bit High Quality
• Compatible With All DAWs
• PC & Mac Compatible

……:::::: PRODUCT DEMO/PREViEW ::::::……


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