[母带处理利器恐龙] T-RackS 5 Complete v5.1.0 WiN / OSX-R2R

[母带处理利器恐龙] T-RackS 5 Complete v5.1.0 WiN / OSX-R2R

DATE : 2018.05.03 | NUMBER : R2R-6834/6835 | SiZE : 1.07 GB/1.07 GB

Close your eyes and picture a store full of cool, powerful processing gear including compressors, limiters, reverbs, de-essers, multiband processors, and a shelf full of vintage, legendary gear emulations. In short, a dream store for recording musicians, engineers and producers.

– Free version of T-RackS including the Custom Shop, the Classic EQ and basic Metering functionality
– Standalone workstation, plugin suite and single plugins for Audio Units, VST2, VST3 and AAX formats
– Custom Shop functionality lets you purchase additional modules from inside the program
– T-RackS shell allows for chaining of up to 16 processors
– Standalone integration with ARC System 2.5 processing
– All processors available as individual plug-ins
– 64-bit native support
– High-fidelity oversampling for high-quality audio processing through the entire signal path
– SCC™ technology coupled with IK’s unique DSM™ technology provides the most realistic software emulation of vintage gear to date
– Extremely easy to use, with style-based presets, full chain visualization, one-click single module or chain bypass, “compare” function and more.



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