Mask Movement Samples Glitch Hop Lab Laboratory WAV-FANTASTiC

Mask Movement Samples Glitch Hop Lab Laboratory WAV-FANTASTiC

‘Glitch Hop Laboratory’ by Mask Movement Samples is a collection of sounds for Glitch Hop, Neuro, Hip-Hop, Dubstep, Trap and similar Electronic Music genres.

This product is packed full of sharp and quality drum loops, Reese basslines, gnarly synths, abstract atmospheric pads and loops, plus an essential collection of one-shot drums and experimental effects.

‘Glitch Hop Laboratory’ has been designed by Lucas The Flow, music producer and DJ from West Virginia who now lives in Columbus, Ohio.

In recent years, Lucas has released music on around 20 labels worldwide such as: Wonk#ay Records, Wormhole Music Group, Southside Dubstars UK, Aspire Higher, Keep Deep, The Gradient Perspective and more. He has been booked to perform at Big Dub, Lost Lands, Infrasound, The Black Box, and many other events and festivals in the USA. Now a seasoned performer and producer, Lucas flows between genres and vibes seamlessly to create a cohesive, yet constantly shifting body of music.

In detail, expect to find over 250 original loops and 120 one-shot samples recorded at 44.1kHz/24-Bit WAV format. At tempos from 70 to 100 BPM, ‘Glitch Hop Laboratory’ is the perfect tool for music producers and beatmakers looking for something raw, deep and creative.

Drawing influence from the sound of artists such as Tipper, Kursa, Noisia, Jade Cicada, Aphex Twin, as well as labels like Inspected, Division, Slug Wife, and MethLab, this is a great collection of starting points for artists looking to make modern Electronic Music.

Product Details:

• 100 Drum Loops
• 100 Music Loops (Synths, Basslines, Sequences, Keys)
• 30 Atmospheric Pads
• 10 Bonus Loops By Histibe
• 30 Kick Drums
• 30 Snare Drums
• 30 Hi-Hats
• 30 Percussion Sounds
• 30 Special Effects
• 44.1kHz/24-Bit
• 100% Royalty-Free


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