Looptone URBN Trap and Hip Hop WAV-FANTASTiC

Looptone URBN Trap and Hip Hop WAV-FANTASTiC

Prepare for 1.16GB of heavyweight trap, hip-hop and bass music inspiration, as Looptone’s latest kicks the door down and invades your studio!

Produced by drum ’n’ bass/dubstep don Proxima, this immense 150bpm sonic toolbox is guaranteed to add power and genre-authenticity to any project, as well as kicking off whole new ones entirely on its own merits.

With releases on Hospital Records, Shogun Audio and Blackout Music, amongst others, Proxima is known for his punchy production style and shrewd compositional angle, both of which are abundantly evident in this, his fourth library on Looptone.

URBN Trap and Hip Hop puts mood-provoking synth riffs, hooks and pads front and centre, with catchy southern-style analogue leads, spiky brass stabs and modulation-crazy wobbles sitting alongside dissonant tuned percussion, cheeky footwork motifs and foreboding sustains – 165 loops and shots, all told. Around this diverse melodic core, 113 drum and percussion loops and 78 basslines take a creative approach to modern trap and hip-hop beat-making – the first mixing 808s and other electronic sources up with ‘live’ instrumentation; the basses gliding naturally from brooding subs to menacing, mid-tickling workouts. The vocals, meanwhile – 13 verses and 24 one-shots – come courtesy of silver-tongued DnB/dubstep MC Swift, who’s taken to the stage across Europe with many of the scene’s biggest DJs.

As well as the vocal and music one-shots, URBN Trap and Hip Hop also features a huge collection of single drum and percussion hits for racking up in your favourite drum machine or sampler, not to mention a smorgasbord of risers, drops, sirens, impacts and other FX.

A showcase work for Proxima, and a wellspring of perfectly engineered samples for urban productions of all kinds, URBN Trap and Hip Hop brings the boom – and then some.

In detail, URBN Trap and Hip Hop comprises 1.16GB of loops (at 150bpm) and one-shots, all in 24-bit stereo WAV format and 605 audio files including 70 Drum Loops, 78 Bass Loops, 99 Music Loops, 43 Percussion Loops, 13 Vocal Verses, 63 FX, 89 Drum One-shots, 60 Bass One-shots, 66 Instrument One-shots and 24 Vocal One-shots.

•24-bit/44.1kHz stereo
•605 audio files
•70 Drum Loops
•78 Bass Loops
•99 Music Loops
•43 Percussion Loops
•13 Vocal Verses
•63 FX
•89 Drum One-shots
•60 Bass One-shots
•66 Instrument One-shots
•24 Vocal One-shots


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