Big Fish Audio Country Essentials: Americana Country MULTiFORMAT

Big Fish Audio Country Essentials: Americana Country MULTiFORMAT

Sample Factory and Big Fish Audio bring you Country Essentials: Americana Country, a massive 6.09 GB collection of modern, alternative, and traditional folk Americana Country styles. These construction kits celebrate legends like Chris Stapleton, Sturgill Simpson, Marty Stuart, Jason Isbell, Rodney Crowell, Ryan Adams, Emmylou Harris, Patty Griffin, and more. We filled this library with 100% real, raw, and organic recordings to make sure that unmistakable authenticity is added to your production. Sample Factory offers a handmade library from the heart of Nashville with seamless care and inspiration for you to unleash your creativity upon.

This library contains numerous song sections (Intro, Verse, PreChorus, Chorus, Bridge/Breakdown, Turnaround, and Outro) giving you the ability to tweak and rearrange endlessly. Instruments include acoustic rhythm, acoustic picking, acoustic amped, acoustic effected, acoustic strumming, electric picking, electric rhythm, electric riff, electric pad, electric steel, banjo, dobro, bass guitar, drums, miscellaneous percussion and much more. The drums are recorded with nothing held back. Each kit includes full, beefy drum tracks with various mic positions (close and room mics along with our crushed “bullet” mic) giving you the ability to get the mix just right. We’ve made sure to provide one-shots from each kit for you to create your own grooves or customize even more.

Find your inner songwriter and create your best productions yet.

Country Essentials: Americana Country has been formatted in all the industry standard file types: Apple Loops, Acidized WAV and REX. Every piece of commonly used hardware and software will be compatible with at least one of these fully developed and usable formats.

Each audio file has been expertly cut and edited to loop perfectly, and has been recorded in the highest quality 24-bit rate to ensure absolutely top quality end results.

If you work primarily with Apple products, be sure to utilize the extra loop tagging functionality in Garageband and Apple Logic as well as Apple’s proprietary time stretching and pitch bending algorithms.

If you’re working inside Protools, Cubase, Fruity Loops, Ableton Live, Sony ACID, or any other DAW on the market, the Acidized WAV files are the perfect fit for time stretching and pitch bending capabilities. The Acidized WAV files can also be used as standard WAV files in almost any music tool in production today.

Beat-makers and artists who love sampled melodic slices can take advantage of our REX/RMX format that utilizes all the powerful programming found in Stylus RMX and the Dr. Octo REX player in Propellerheads Reason.


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