Cinesamples CineBrass Twelve Horn Ensemble v1.1 KONTAKT – MERRY XMAS

Cinesamples CineBrass Twelve Horn Ensemble v1.1 KONTAKT – MERRY XMAS

CineBrass Twelve Horn Ensemble is an improved version of the classic Twelve Horn patches from our CineBrass PRO library. These patches feature the groundbreaking Cinesamples Adaptive Legato Engine from CineStrings SOLO, adding fluidity and unparalleled realism to your melodic lines. CineBrass Twelve Horn Ensemble was recorded at the legendary MGM Scoring Stage at Sony Pictures Studios in Los Angeles.

Cinesamples’ Twelve Horn Ensemble is an improved version of those famous patches from our CineBrass PRO library. We literally recorded twelve horns at Sony’s MGM Studio in Hollywood, a studio that is well known for its rich brass sound.

Cinesamples applied its Adaptive Legato Engine from CineStrings SOLO, Tina Guo Acoustic Cello Legato, CineWinds CORE & PRO, and Viola da Gamba to CineBrass Twelve Horn Ensemble. It allows you to tailor the legato response to your own playing style, and is designed to respond musically to your performance. The engine detects your playing speed and intelligently adjusts the interval speed to match. This means you can play slow, expressive lines and fast runs in a single performance, without touching the speed dial. Additionally, the intensity parameter responds to velocity.

In the Settings Tab, the VOLUME RANGE controls how much the volume is affected by CC1. So those who use CC1 and CC11 together can keep the slider all the way down, and those who only use the mod wheel can turn it up.

Using the VEL / ATTACK function, the attack of each note responds to your velocity. Lower velocities will generate a slower attack.

QUANTIZE MODE: In any True Legato instrument, there will be some lag when playing note-to-note transitions. This is usually compensated for by moving all notes slightly to the left in the sequencer, or by using a track pre-delay. The problem with most legato libraries is that the timings of each note are inconsistent; the first note in a phrase will sound immediately, while subsequent notes will be delayed. The Quantize Mode tackles this problem by calculating the legato lag time, and applying the same delay to non-legato samples. This means you can quantize a performance, shift the MIDI to the left, and the timings of each note will be consistent.

CineBrass Twelve Horn Ensemble includes a brand new mapping area styled after CineStrings SOLO that allows for greater flexibility in customizing composer workflows.

The Accent Overlay control layers an additional staccato articulation over the attack of sustains. Turning on ACCENTED LEGATO adds this layer to the legato transitions.


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