DISCOVER | April/26Th/2018 | 2.56GB

Empyrealm is a sound library for Native Instruments Kontakt. Empyrealm is a complete and affordable solution for all those looking for atmospheric sounds in the broader sense of term, from ethereal pads to eerie drones, from nature sounds to diaphanous metal percussions. This huge library, featuring over 2.8 GB of sounds and 67 Kontakt patches, is made up of these modules.

  • Forest Of Drones:25 x patches devoted to evolving gloomy soundscapes, with sounds that can be modulated in multiple ways, giving you an ever changing atmosphere.
  • Padradise:16 x carefully crafted patches featuring immersive, deep and huge sounding pads, with unrivaled sonic detail and eerie feeling.
  • Mysteries Of Creation:9 x patches to build nature soundscapes, featuring real field recordings taken in the wildlife. Creating a credible and evolving naturalistic soundtrack has never been that easy.
  • Secrets Of Hephaestus:11 x detailed patches with ritual metal percussions and other magical hi-pitched instruments.
  • Sidewinds:6 x windscapes, occasionally with bonus rain and thunders, to fulfill any atmospherical need.

Its complex architecture features a 2D vector with 4 seamlessly morphable layers of sound and a series of effects of any kind, plus three multishaped LFOs to modulate volume, pan and pitch. Moreover, every parameter is fully automatable, for a total of 115 automation destinations. Building up lively and ever changing textures has never been so easy!

The GUI features three tabs: one for global settings and filters, one for the effects and finally one for the modulators.

……:::::: This Is What Is included ::::::……
• 67 Patches for Native Instruments Kontakt for over 2.8 GB of sounds.

  • All the patches have a vast range of effects, including: filters, equalizer, delay, reverb, phaser, pitch envelope and spatial effects. You won’t need any additional effects to obtain the exact sound you are looking for.
  • Each of the 115 parameters is fully automatable, you can create evolving and realistic sounds in a breeze.
  • Everything you hear was sampled or rendered at 96kHz/24-Bits. You will notice the pristine quality of every single sound.
  • Every patch has its own GUI, carefully crafted and oriented towards usability and beauty.
  • Requirements:Native Instruments Kontakt v5.6+ or higher.


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