Black Octopus Sound A New High Vocals and Chops WAV-FANTASTiC

Black Octopus Sound A New High Vocals and Chops WAV-FANTASTiC

A New High – Vocals and Chops is here to deliver radio-ready toplines with a full toolkit of unforgettable full-song vocals, super-catchy vocal chops, and cutting edge modern FX.

Coming in at over 1.2GB, this pack contains 8 song kits, which have all the vocal components for impressive, world-class tunes. These kits range from 83BPM to 140BPM in various keys and include vocals for verses, choruses, pre-chorus & bridges – including beautifully arranged, multi-layered harmonies in each song. With vocals that range from passionate, ethereal & emotive, to high energy dance-floor bangers, this pack has a versatility that spans today’s most popular genres.

Going above and beyond just songs, this pack also delivers expertly edited chops, chords, FX, one-shots, and risers. These unique and inspiring samples will add a depth and polish to your music & help you level-up your next production!

Angelica Allen is a professional vocalist and songwriter featured by Pitchfork, Vice, SPIN Magazine, NPR, Rolling Stone and others for her acclaimed work as My Midnight Heart. MMH was selected to perform supporting artists like Solange, Blood Orange, and Tegan and Sara. In addition to her work with MMH, she has also performed with the Trans Siberian Orchestra, ESCORT, Dua Lipa. Both her solo projects and tracks on which she’s featured have been placed in film and television, including spots on HBO, Bravo, and Showtime. Angelica is currently working as producer and songwriter for her forthcoming audiovisual project entitled SAINT.

All vocals have been carefully recorded and produced, ready for drag and drop action. Once you get these samples into your productions and start getting creative by adding your own effects, you’ll see how versatile this pack can be. Dive into this massive pack today and you might just find the inspiration for your next tune.

Pack Contents:

•8 Songs – 239 Stems
•5 Chords
•20 FX
•13 One Shots
•14 Risers
•30 Vocal Chops


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