Revealed Recordings Revealed Atmosphere Drones Vol. 2 WAV

Revealed Recordings Revealed Atmosphere Drones Vol. 2 WAV

Revealed Atmosphere Drones Vol. 2 is an inspirational library of drones, soundscapes, and textures to animate your tracks.

Inside there are 70 drones, each 1.5-3 minutes long, sorted by key, for a total of over 150 minutes.

With Revealed Atmosphere Drones Vol. 2, you’ll find a stunning collection of storytelling tools of the beautiful and heavenly to the dark and disturbing sound world atmospheres to create a new level of depth and texture in your tracks!

Reveal Yourself.

Revealed Atmosphere Drones Vol. 2 – Details

REV-ATMOSDRONE2 [70 samples]

70 drones
Total Drone Time: 153 minutes
All sounds with discernible pitch labeled with exact Key

Format(s): 48Khz / 24Bit Stereo PCM .wav files
Approx. 2.5GB installed / Approx. 2.43GB Compressed .zip download



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