Loopmasters Dream Trap MULTiFORMAT

Loopmasters Dream Trap MULTiFORMAT

Loopmasters proudly present Dream Trap, a serene, warm and bass heavy exploit into the Trap genre that strays away from the dance floor and finds its place in a peaceful and melodic world. This pack contains 100% Royalty Free content, and is sure to bring a fresh, polished and reflective sound to your tracks for years to come!

Dream Trap boasts an impressive 1.42GB of content with Loops, One Shots and Sampler Patches containing snappy drums, booming basses, meticulously sequenced fills, beautiful guitars, inspirational keys and much more, all immediately ready to be placed into your newest creations to give them that professional edge, keeping you ahead of the production game. There are 248 versatile Loops ready for action, spanning a range of tempos from 65-100bpm. On top of this, there is a total of 191 One Shots including SFX, atmospheres, keys, drums, percussion and more.

You’ll find the beautifully crafted One Shots handily mapped to the keys of your MIDI keyboard thanks to the 97 Soft Sampler Patches that can be played to your liking. Load them up in your favourite DAW and get ready to experience the joy of experimenting with a solid mixture of synthetic and organic sounds, effortlessly darting from playing in a chest rattling bassline to creating a blissful melody using one of the prepared guitar or key instrument Patches. The fun never stops. Lending itself to the more musical side of the electronic music spectrum, the sounds of Dream Trap will fit into any Chill-Out, Downtempo, Ambient or Electronica compositions with ease, not to mention any Melodic Trap pieces.


Loopmasters自豪地向Dream Trap展示了一种宁静,温暖和低音的重型攻击,陷入陷阱类型中,远离舞池,并在和平和旋律的世界中找到它的位置。此包含100%免版税内容,并且肯定会为您的曲目带来清新,精致和反光的音响,未来数年!

Dream Trap拥有令人印象深刻的1.42GB内容,包含循环,One Shots和取样器修补程序,其中包含清脆的鼓,高音贝司,精心排序的填充,美丽的吉他,灵感键等等,所有内容都立即准备好放入您的最新作品中那专业的优势,让你领先于制作游戏。有248个多功能循环可以用于行动,从65-100bpm跨越一系列的速度。除此之外,总共有191首One Shots,包括SFX,大气,钥匙,鼓,打击乐等等。

由于可以按照自己的喜好播放97软采样器补丁,因此您会发现制作精美的One Shots轻松映射到MIDI键盘的按键。将它们装入您最喜爱的DAW中,准备好体验用合成声音和有机声音进行实验混合的乐趣,轻松地用胸前的叮当声低音演奏,以及使用准备好的吉他或关键乐器中的一种来创造悦耳的旋律。 。乐趣永远不会停止。借助于电子音乐谱中音乐性更强的一面,Dream Trap的声音可轻松融入任何Chill-Out,Downtempo,Ambient或Electronica乐曲中,更不用说任何Melodic Trap乐曲了。


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