123Creative Frenic Hiphop and Downtempo Samples Vol.1 WAV

123Creative Frenic Hiphop and Downtempo Samples Vol.1 WAV

123Creative Frenic Hiphop and Downtempo Samples Vol.1 WAV | 446 MB

Frenic Hiphop and Downtempo Samples Vol.1 – a new and exclusive royalty-free sample collection from one of the scene’s rising stars.

Fresh from supporting the likes of The Pharcyde, The Beatnuts, Task Force and Africa Bambaataa, Sam Fergusson (AKA Frenic) was tasked with creating the ultimate studio sample library for beat makers. The result is a perfectly assembled blend of studio staples, including authentic drum loops, punchy single-hits and atmospheric FX, along with new and original instrument loops, covering upright basses in smoke-filled Jazz bars to cinematic string and laid-back piano sections, all presented in pristine 24-bit quality and designed for effortless layering, cutting, splicing and rearranging.

Recorded with a combination of classic vintage and modern digital production tools, these samples are designed to slot straight into your productions without any additional processing. At the same time, we’ve left the sounds clean and detailed enough to be reedited and reprocessed without any loss in fidelity, making them the perfect source material for your own loops.

These sounds are designed to be easily incorporated into your other Urban and House music productions, such as Drum’n’Bass and Deep House.

Weighing in at a carefully selected 563 MB, and featuring 164 original loops and 75 one-shots, Frenic Hip Hop and Downtempo is an exceptional quality sample collection and the perfect studio companion for today’s Hip Hop and Urban music producers.

Pack content:
• 10 Ambience FX Loops
• 10 Analog Kick Loops
• 15 Bass Loops
• 20 Breaks
• 30 Drum One-shots
• 9 Drum Loops
• 20 FX
• 10 Keyboard Loops
• 30 Percussion Loops
• 10 Piano Loops
• 10 Plucked String Loops
• 25 Scratches
• 15 Strings Loops

File formats: .wav (for MAC and Windows)
Info: 24-Bit WAV Quality
Size: 563 MB
Total: 164 original loops and 75 one-shots


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