[西非民间乐器]Splice Sessions West African Meditations WAV-FANTASTiC

[西非民间乐器]Splice Sessions West African Meditations WAV-FANTASTiC

This Splice Sessions release offers a unique and uplifting take on meditative sounds. Recorded and produced at La Boutique Studios Dakar by Pape Armand Boye, this collection of folk instrumentation and free-flowing musical passages features West African rhythms, vocals, and instruments such as the balafon, ngoni, and kora. Plus, synths, guitars, drums, and percussion. Providing a glimpse into the spiritual culture of Senegal, these sounds will add a mystical transcendence to your productions of any genre.

Pape Armand Boye shared, “Music is a coded language that is oft used by African peoples to communicate without words. It is therefore natural that African meditation uses these coded methods to permit access to metaphysical states. Studio La Boutique is honored to have had the opportunity to share a glimpse of this musical culture in an effort to expand our audience’s access to the metaphysical world—one that transcends borders and geography.”

This pack is part one of a two-part series. Keep an eye out for West African Visions.

这张Splice Sessions发行的唱片提供了一种独特和令人振奋的冥想声音。这张专辑由Pape Armand Boye在达喀尔的La Boutique Studios录制和制作,这套民间乐器和自由流动的音乐段落以西非的节奏、人声和乐器为特色,如巴拉芳、恩戈尼和科拉。此外,还有合成器、吉他、鼓和打击乐器。提供了对塞内加尔精神文化的一瞥,这些声音将为你的任何类型的作品增加一种神秘的超越。

Pape Armand Boye分享说:”音乐是一种编码语言,非洲人民经常用它来进行无言的交流。因此,非洲冥想使用这些编码方法,允许进入形而上的状态,这是很自然的。La Boutique工作室很荣幸有机会分享这种音乐文化,努力扩大我们的观众对形而上世界的接触–一个超越边界和地理的世界。”



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