[推荐!低保真采样包]Origin Sound Lo-Fi Moods WAV-DECiBEL

[推荐!低保真采样包]Origin Sound Lo-Fi Moods WAV-DECiBEL

‘Lo-Fi Moods’ by Origin Sound continues to push the boundaries of the Lo-Fi movement with a library that satisfies the ever growing need to develop the sounds and musicality of Lo-Fi music, with pristine attention to detail and authenticity present throughout.

Set the mood for your beat by exploring the extensive vinyl cuts folder where you’ll find the likes of warped tonal percussion melodies, gentle guitar chords, uplifting keys lines and much more at your finger tips. All of which come in versatile Construction Kits, which will spark immediate creativity, providing full and detailed musicality and instrumentation.

Whilst the emotive nature of the vinyl cuts folder is a vital asset when setting the mood for your beat, the drum folders are a key element of the pack. Packed to the brim with drum loops and drum hits, ‘Lo-Fi Moods’ will fulfill all your drum related needs. Whether you are looking for more of a laid back rhythm or something more upbeat, the pack contains the perfect variety to work with any Lo-Fi mood.

‘Lo-Fi Moods’ also contains an FX folder full of versatile extras that ranges from radio textures, to noise crackles and more. From its range in musical detail and emotion, through to its accurate Lo-Fi sonic aesthetic, ‘Lo-Fi Moods’ is a must have for any Lo-Fi producer.

Product Details:

• 80 Drum Hits
• 40 Drum Loops
• 42 Vinyl Cut Construction Kits
• 15 FX
• 100% Royalty-Free


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