Splice Originals Sweetest Touch WAV-FLARE

Splice Originals Sweetest Touch WAV-FLARE

In collaboration with Sam Obey (fka Obey City, and one-half of Ensemble Entendu and Dave + Sam), we dove deep into the grooves of the 1980s and early ‘90s R&B. This release doesn’t represent straightforward R&B. It zigs and zags, swings and swaggers. We pulled influences from fusion genres like new jack swing with its Roland TR-808 drum machines and syncopated rhythms. We borrowed from ballads, tapping our deepest emotions. We added danceable tempos from disco boogie and basslines from deep and neo-funk.

We pulled influences from artists like Mary Jane Girls, SOS Band, Babyface, and Shalamar. You can expect lots of DX7 synth and classic drum machine sounds. If you’re looking to take a sonic journey through the classic sounds of ‘80s and ‘90s hits with modern, high-quality production, look no further. These sounds are sure to add a touch of sweetness to your productions.

Download Includes:

x201 Loops
x83 One Shots


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