[特效音效]Zenhiser Prophet 5 FX WAV-FANTASTiC

[特效音效]Zenhiser Prophet 5 FX WAV-FANTASTiC

We love our retro gear here at Zenhiser so it was only a matter of time before Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 synth made it into our catalogue. With a wealth of analogue sounds within this synth monster we decided the best and most usable sounds to add to a new sample pack would be the fx sounds. Prophet 5 makes some obscene fx sounds, white noise risers, pulsating rhythm fx sounds, space infused swirls, choppy lifts, sharp drops and a whole chunk more.

The great thing about ‘Prophet 5 FX’ is all the fx samples are suited to just about every genre out there, from Trance through to Dubstep, Techno to D&B, it really doesn’t matter what you create this is a serious fx pack. 378 perfectly crafted and mastered fx sounds from Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 Rev 2 is what you get in this Zenhiser pack, it’s a fast way into the analogue synth domain without having to pay a fortune. Every sample has been crafted, programmed and chopped to perfection using a perfect Prophet 5 specimen so all you have to do is drop the sample group into your DAW or sampler and you’re ready to go, it’s that simple.

May we ask what are you waiting for, join the analogue revolution now and grab ‘Prophet 5 FX’ now!


•Files – Audio: 378
•Type – Audio: 24-Bit 44.1-Khz
•Info – Key: No
•Info – Bpm: No


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