[600+采样&Loop]Retrohandz Essential Moombah 3 WAV MIDI PRESETS

[600+采样&Loop]Retrohandz Essential Moombah 3 WAV MIDI PRESETS

Xaudios | 14 Apr 2021 | 932 MB

“Retrohandz Essential Moombah 3正是你在2020年制作LATIN BANGER所需要的”

– 600多个采样和循环
– 15个落点
– 35种血清预设
– 100+拉丁声乐

这次我们把它做得更大… …

在里面你会发现15个Moombah Drops的茎和midis。优秀的开始从一个想法的下降。很多鼓和乐器循环的灵感来自于Moombahton,Reggaeton,Cumbia,Baile Funk,Dembow和Dancehall音乐。来自哥伦比亚的新星歌手录制了100多首拉丁语歌曲。Gustavo Voz Perdida. 最后,35 Moombah预设为Serum包括主音,低音,键,铜管等。


Drum Loops – 269 (stems included)

Moombahton Loops – 81

Moombah Fat Loops – 18

Reggaeton Loops – 38

Cumbia Loops – 19

Dancehall Loops – 39

Dominican Dembow Loops – 38

Baile Funk Loops – 36

Drum One Shots – 85

Kicks – 50

Percussions – 20

Snares – 15

Build Ups – 10

Drum Fills – 23

Instrument Loops – 144

Whistle & Woodwind Loops – 45 (midis included)

Brass & Horn Loops – 20 (midis included)

Chord Loops – 18 (midis included)

Pluck Loops – 19 (midis included)

Sub Loops – 28 (midis included)

Latin Music Loops – 14

Vocal Melody Loops – 18

Instrument One Shots – 32

Synth & Bass One Shots – 24

Effects – 19

Downlifters, uplifters, impacts, sirens, lasers, tonal risers, horns attack

Vocals by Gustavo Voz Perdida – 104

Hooks & Ad-libs – 23

Shouts & Phrases – 60

Vocal Chop Loops – 21

15 Drop Ideas (stems & midis included)

99 Loops in total

Presets for Xfer Serum – 35 *

Leads – 22

Keys – 6

Brass – 1

Basses – 4

Arp – 1

FX – 1

Xaudios | 14 Apr 2021 | 932 MB

“Retrohandz Essential Moombah 3 is exactly what you need to make a LATIN BANGER in 2020”

• 600+ Samples & Loops
• 15 Drop ideas
• 35 Presets for Serum
• 100+ Latin Vocals

This time we made it BIGGER…

Inside you’ll find 15 Moombah Drops with stems and midis. Excellent to start from an idea for a drop. A lot of Drum and Instrument Loops inspired by Moombahton, Reggaeton, Cumbia, Baile Funk, Dembow and Dancehall music. Over 100 Latin Vocals recorded by the rising star singer from Colombia: Gustavo Voz Perdida. Finally, 35 Moombah Presets for Serum including leads, basses, keys, brasses, etc…


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