Zero-G Ethera Gold Intimate Vocals KONTAKT

Zero-G Ethera Gold Intimate Vocals KONTAKT

Two brand new amazing Vocal True Legatos, featuring the incredible voice of Clara Sorace.
Ethera Gold Intimate Vocals is a new chapter of the Ethera Gold series. It includes two amazing new Vocal True Legatos that offer a distinctive and different vocal timbre from the one included in Ethera Gold 2.5 and is an ideal addition to that library. Intimate Vocals is not an add-on or expansion for Ethera Gold 2.5, it is a separate, unique stand-alone product.

Ethera Gold Intimate Vocals uses the magnificent voice of Clara Sorace. Clara has sung with many of the greatest soundtrack and video games composers and trailer music creators. Her voice is a thrilling blend of soul, cinematic, epic and emotionality.

Intimate Vocals contains two new articulations: Soft Oh has an angelic, flute-like sound which is perfect for soft or fantasy type vocals. This Legato is Medium/Fast which allows for faster melodic passages.

The second articulation is a Slow Legato. Thanks to Clara’s vocal range we have created a dark, slow True Legato which is ideal for creating vocal parts similar to that in the Gladiator film-score. Use this True Legato for slow, emotional, dramatic vocals.

Built using the clear, powerful voice that is Clara’s Vocal, we have chromatically sampled every interval and sustain to obtain the highest quality sound. Although a very long process, we think that the final result has been worthwhile. No artefacts, no fake-pitch, only a real voice at your fingertips. We also utilised a Multi-Layer technique so that for many articulations it is possible (using midi velocity) to choose between different legato styles so that you can select the most appropriate articulation for the situation.

If you want to add some drama and emotion to your work, then reach out for Ethera Gold Intimate Vocals!

Check out the walkthrough and demo video below created by James Spilling.


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