[POP 人声采样]Soundsmiths Experimental Vocal Pop WAV-DISCOVER

[POP 人声采样]Soundsmiths Experimental Vocal Pop WAV-DISCOVER

Experimental Vocal Pop is a collection of sounds inspired by the industrial, minimal electronica and electro pop scenes. This sound is being championed by artists like Billie Eilish, Ariana Grande Lapsely, CYN and Lorde as well as many others. The sounds themselves are suitable for a whole array of genres, your imagination is your only limit!This Experimental Vocal Pop library is a true family affair with our veteran sound designer Cliffhanga enlisting the vocal talents of his sister Megan. Working closely together for months on end they managed to create incredible melodies, catchy phrases and sinister vocal loops.

These were then mangled, chopped, stretched and twisted into fx ready to be dragged straight into your chosen DAW.Packed full of 24bit catchy pop grooves, texturally rich foley recordings, dark musical loops and unique sinister vocal chops. All of our content has been key tagged and expertly programmed for your convenience.

Weather you are creating pop music and need an alternative edge or you simply want to add a unique experimental touch to genres such as Drum & Bass, Dubstep, Future Garage, Future Trap, Chill Out and Ambient then this pack will deliver ten fold!

……:::::: Product Specifications ::::::……
• Format: (.WAVs)
• 050 x Drum Loops
• 082 x Drum (One-Shots):
• 015 x (Hi-Hats)
• 018 x (Kicks)
• 022 x (Percussions)
• 027 x (Snares And Claps)
• 027 x Bass Loops
• 027 x Bass (One-Shots)
• 041 x Melodic Loops
• 027 x Melodic (One-Shots)
• 064 x FX Loops
• 053 x Vocal Loops
• 042 x Vocal Ad-Libs
• 413 x Individual (.WAVs) (.Loops/Samples) Files In Total
• Key And Tempo-Labelled
• 44.1kHz/24-Bit High Quality
• Compatible With All DAWs
• PC & Mac Compatible


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