[Sylenth1,Massive预设]StudioTronnic Low Bass Complete MULTiFORMAT-DECiBEL

[Sylenth1,Massive预设]StudioTronnic Low Bass Complete MULTiFORMAT-DECiBEL

Team DECiBEL | SIZE | 589.9MB

Genre that has conquered the scene of electronic music, with strong basslines and its influences from Tech house, the name “Low Bass” is in full ascension, mainly in Brazil and South Africa, where a great quantity of producers are trying to discover the secrets of this style. For this, we created the Low Bass Complete Pack, inspired by the Super Label Box of Cats by renowned producer and DJ Kyle Watson, for you producer to make sounds like those of great artists of this genre.

This complete Pack has Sample Pack Complete, 2 Soundbanks for the Sylenth1 and Massive plugins, plus 10 Ableton Templates.

The sample pack contains a variety of One Shots in high quality following the sonority of the style, giving emphasis to the Kicks that are a key piece in creating any track, especially in this style where Kick and Bass triumph. In addition to One Shots, we have also created Beats Loops, Complete Drum Kits, with all elements unbound in Loops, so you have all the facility to redesign and create new tracks extracting just what interests you.

We also created Instrument Kits, with melodic sounds for you to use in your breaks, are pianos, guitars, Bass among and other elements, all with tonal information and MIDI files, so you can use your imagination to recreate the arrangement and start new ideas. The pack also features a variety of vocals (Words and Shots) processed and with tonal information, for you to use in pre-drops or even as an instrument.

In the part of Synth Presets you also have a true arsenal, there are more than 180 presets for Sylenth and Massive, all the presets are with Modwhell and Pitch programmed for you to test automations or have the facility to create them without much effort. Massive is a VST very much loved by the macros, that offer much more possibilities, of automations as much of change of timbre, and that is what we did, all presets are with the Macro Control panel programmed with numerous options, from add transients, filter automation, Pitch, LFO until the total change of tone.

Ableton Templates are sure to be a great attraction for the pack. Besides you can analyze the composition of the songs, mixing techniques, will also have a great source of studies on automations, which are widely used in this style and make a total difference. Besides the primordial inspiration in tracks of the super producer Kyle Watson, also brings influences of the most Brazilian sounds, like Lothief, Illusionize and rrotik.

All the elements used in the creation of the templates are present in the pack, we do not use any loop in the templates, for you to have total control of all elements individual, and can change at any moment, being able to abuse its creativity, so one of these projects can be the great ignition to the success of your next super track.

Product Details:
10 Ableton Templates

02 Soundbanks for Sylenth1 and Massive (183 Presets)
Sylenth1 Soundbank – 94 presets
-68 Bass Sounds
-07 Lead Sounds
-06 Synth Sounds
-05 PLuck Sounds
-04 Sfx Sounds
-04 Pad Sounds
-02 Drum Sounds
-01 Chord Sounds

Massive Soundbank – 89 presets
-83 Bass Sounds
-03 Synth Sounds
-03 Pluck Sounds

Complete Sample Pack
Drum One Shots
50 Kicks
20 Claps
10 Snares
80 Cymbals
– 20 Close Hats
– 20 Open Hats
– 10 Rides
– 10 Shakers
– 10 Tambourines
– 10 Crash
20 Percussions
30 Vocals
– 10 Vocal Shots
– 20 Vocal Words
20 SFX
10 Drum Kits
– 57 Wave Loops
05 Instrument Kits
– 20 Wave Loops
– 14 MIDI Loops

– Construction Kit by Kohen
– FL Studio Project by Kohen
– Ableton Project + Massive presets

Softwares requirements:
Ableton V9.7.5 (compatible with Ableton 10, Win / Mac)
Sylenth1 v2.2.1 (compatible with Sylenth1 3)
Massive v1.5.1


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