Big Fish Audio Acoustic Indie Pop MULTiFORMAT

Big Fish Audio Acoustic Indie Pop MULTiFORMAT

This massive 11.3 GB collection (5.8 GB of 24 bit WAV files) is crammed full of Pop, Acoustic, Indie and Country songwriting; and is a showcase of songwriters like Ingrid Michaelson, Ray Lamontagne, Jack Johnson, Rachael Yamagata, John Mayer, Amos Lee, Colbie Caillat, Sara Bareilles, John Waite, Cranberries, Kathleen Edwards and so many more.

This library is the fresh, new face of today’s songwriting styles and contains 20 kits packed full of melodic hooks, quirky melodies, unpredictable rhythms and textures. Instruments ranging from ukulele, acoustic guitars, vocals, mandolin, banjo, electric guitars, fiddle, percussion, bass, pianos, drums and so many more allow you to harness this new breed of songwriting that has captured today’s Music Charts,TV, Film, Commercials and Video Games. Whether you’re needing a few rhythms and textures to add dimension to your existing tracks or want that one of a kind melodic hook that can jump start the creative juices, Acoustic Indie Pop will feed your songwriter’s inner fire and spark your raw creative flames.

Explore your inner musician, create tracks never before realized and make music that stands out!This library is the fresh, new face of today’s songwriting styles and contains 20 kits packed full of melodic hooks, quirky melodies, unpredictable rhythms and textures. Instruments ranging from ukulele, acoustic guitars, vocals, mandolin, banjo, electric guitars, fiddle, percussion, bass, pianos, drums and so many more allow you to harness this new breed of songwriting that has captured today’s Music Charts,TV, Film, Commercials and Video Games. Whether you’re needing a few rhythms and textures to add dimension to your existing tracks or want that one of a kind melodic hook that can jump start the creative juices, Acoustic Indie Pop will feed your songwriter’s inner fire and spark your raw creative flames.

Explore your inner musician, create tracks never before realized and make music that stands out!

Drums Only:
– MultiDrums – 442 files
– MultiSamples – 236 files

– 11.3 GB of material (5.8 GB of 24-bit WAV files)
– 2649 files in WAV, REX and Apple Loops (599 WAV Loops)
– 246 files of Multi-Sampled Drum Hits (24-bit WAV files)
– 462 files of Multi-Track Drums (24-bit WAV files)
– 20 Construction Kits: Each kit contains a demo mix, each and every melodic, rhythmic and textural element broken out into stackable song sections, allowing you to tweak to your hearts content and create the exact amount of texture desired


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