Roland Cloud Lo-Fi Techno WAV

Roland Cloud Lo-Fi Techno WAV

Bring some grit to your techno tracks with this assemblage of old-school samples by sound designer Nadian Miller. Lower your bit rates and channel the beginnings of electronic music with grimy basses, off-kilter FX, snarling lead lines, and more. Don’t be afraid to get a little dirty with the distorted treatments of analog classics in this premium collection.

About Roland Cloud Sample Packs

Roland Cloud Sample Packs are premium collections of royalty-free WAV files for sample-based music production. Crafted by top sound designers, each Sample Pack focuses on a specific genre and includes a variety of musical phrase loops, drum loops, and one-shot samples to generate ideas and help you build pro tracks fast.

Lo-Fi Techno Sample Pack Contents

Total size: 1.21 GB

35 basslines
15 pad loops
20 SFX
32 synth loops
15 texture loops
10 clap one-shots
10 closed hi-hat one-shots
10 crash one-shots
10 hi-hat one-shots
5 ride one-shots
10 shaker one-shots
10 kick one-shots
16 percussion one-shots
15 snare one-shots


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