[佛教音源采样]IQ Samples Millennium Of Gods WAV-DISCOVER

[佛教音源采样]IQ Samples Millennium Of Gods WAV-DISCOVER

IQ Samples are proud to present – Millennium of Gods Samplepack! Subtle rhythms carrying a wealth of high quality samples from centuries of music history. All that to be a link between ancient rituals and the modern dance groove.

Containing a variety of specially recorded live instruments were conducted by the rising star of ethnic electronics – Zuma Dionys. Live loops of Sitar, Violins, Guitars and sharp Grooves carry the necessary mystical energy. – Enjoy

……:::::: Product Specifications ::::::……
• Format: (.WAVs)
• 036 x Oud Loops
• 160 x Violin Loops
• 051 x Sitar Loops
• 020 x Atmos Loops
• 030 x Synth Loops
• 020 x Drum Loops
• 020 x Top Percussion Loops
• 031 x Guitar Loops
• 030 x Kicks
• 030 x Snares
• 020 x Hi-Hats
• 015 x FX
• 463 x Individual (.WAVs) (.Loops/Samples) Files In Total
• Key And Tempo-Labelled
• Fully Mixed And Mastered
• 44.1kHz/24-Bit High Quality
• Compatible With All DAWs
• PC & Mac Compatible


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