[李小龙电影采样]Boom Bap Labs Fist Of The Invincible Mantis Vol I & II WAV

[李小龙电影采样]Boom Bap Labs Fist Of The Invincible Mantis Vol I & II WAV

Boom Bap Labs Fist Of The Invincible Mantis Vol I & II WAV

March 21 2018 | 236.01 MB

Vol I: When the Wu Tang Clan erupt in 93 with those Kung Fu flick samples it was a revolution in the hip hop sound. The visuals we’re strong and you could feel the action in the airwaves. Today we can still hear underground producers sparkling those awesome sounds on top of lo fi hip hop beats bringing back that raw flavor and marvelous soundscape. With Fist of The Invincible Mantis you get more than 110 sound effects and dialogues all properly chopped and ready to blend with your next projects. They can be use in multiple ways to create your own scenarios or simply use to accentuate dope rap lyrics.

More than 110 sounds in 16 bits / 44.1Khz

41 Vintage Kung Fu Movie Dialogues
72 Kung Fu Movie Sound Effects

Vol II: When the Wu Tang Clan erupt in 93 with those Kung Fu flick samples it was a revolution in the hip hop sound. The visuals we’re strong and you could feel the action in the airwaves. Today we can still hear underground producers sparkling those awesome sounds on top of lo fi hip hop beats bringing back that raw flavor and marvelous soundscape. With Fist of The Invincible Mantis 2 you get 100 WAV files divided in two categories. Sound effects and dialogues all properly chopped and ready to blend with your next projects. They can be use in multiple ways to create your own scenarios or simply use to accentuate dope rap lyrics.

100 sounds in 16 bits / 44.1Khz

70 Vintage Kung Fu Movie Dialogues
30 Kung Fu Movie Sound Effects





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