[一款功能强大的音频制作平台]BandLab Cakewalk x64 Multilingual

[一款功能强大的音频制作平台]BandLab Cakewalk x64 Multilingual


File size: 566 MB
Fueled by over 30 years in the relentless pursuit of innovation, Cakewalk by BandLab is the new standard for the modern recording studio.

The most complete music production package
The creative experience only SONAR offered: advanced technology, effortless workflow, and an interface that amplifies inspiration.
Easily compose complete songs and performances with creative songwriting tools and instruments

Capture inspired performances with pristine quality and unlimited audio and MIDI tracks

Fix mistakes, arrange parts, and manipulate pitch, time, and any other aspect of your recordings

Achieve pristine pro-studio sounds and create big, clear, dynamic mixes with advanced mixing tools

Polish your finished mixes to perfection with built-in mastering tools

Export and publish your songs directly to YouTube, SoundCloud, Facebook and more

Tech Specs:
64-bit Mix Engine
The first to offer this precision audio technology, SONAR’s advanced 64-bit mix engine delivers clean, dynamic, accurate mixes every time.

Never worry about signal degradation again. You can always be sure your plug-ins are outputting the highest quality audio possible.

VST3 Support
SONAR supports the most stable, accurate, and efficient plug-in format for Windows machines so you can use more FX and synths in your project.

Another industry first, SONAR’s compatibility with touch devices adds analog feel and workflow-enhancing efficiency.

Windows 10
Compatibility comes standard. We’re always on top of our game, ensuring support on all the most current Windows platforms.

ARA Support
Harness the power of Audio Random Access for seamless integration of powerful and modern editing tools.

Minimum System Requirements:
Windows 7 or higher (64-bit only)
Multi-core Intel or AMD CPU
3GB free disk space
1280×800 screen resolution
ASIO compatible hardware is recommended


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