[DeepHouse&Chill 的]Future Loops Summer Breeze WAV-DECiBEL

[DeepHouse&Chill 的]Future Loops Summer Breeze WAV-DECiBEL

Future Loops presents Summer Breeze – Deep House & Chill, a hot selection of Deep House, Bass House, Lounge and Chill samples & loops!

Summer Breeze – Deep House & Chill features over 900 inspirational sounds – including 541 loops and 403 One-Shots – for your summer productions: cool basslines, laid back drums and grooves, melodic synths, chords, leads, atmospheres, vocal FX & more!

With over 2.5 GB, Summer Breeze – Deep House & Chill is 100% Royalty-Free ( WAV / REX ) and a must-have for producing and mixing standout House tracks that will fit perfectly both for sunset parties and after hours sets!

//Full Drum Loops
Stylish and relaxed grooves ready to drop into your mix!

//Kick Loops
Thick 4/4 layers as standalone drum loops for full Kick control!

//Top Loops
Rhythmic and percussive patterns to add beautiful extra layers to your tracks!

//Bass Loops
Pumping and groovy basslines to deepen your tracks!

//Atmos & Leads
Add richness to your productions with these inspiring sounds!

Warm and seductive progressions!

//Vox FX
Processed and chopped up vocals !

//Special FX
Fall , Rises, Tonals, Crashes – the perfect elements to add that extra pro finish to your mixes !

//Full Music Loops
Full grooves of the melodic elements, pre-mixed and ready to drop into your tracks!

//MASSIVE collection of One-Shots
There are over 403 drum hits including Kicks , Claps , Hats , Percussion , Snares and more! Build your Deep House and Chill beats from scratch!

In total:
944 WAV Samples & Loops
-541 WAV Loops
-403 WAV One Shots


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