[女声,人声采样]ModeAudio Microphone Soul (Female Vocal Loops) WAV-DISCOVER

[女声,人声采样]ModeAudio Microphone Soul (Female Vocal Loops) WAV-DISCOVER

The ear is trained to pay attention to vocal sounds above all else, which is precisely why nailing your lead hook can be so vital to creating that next chart smash. It’s also why we’re delighted to present our first ever library of seriously soulful vocal sounds, Microphone Soul – Female Vocal Loops!Introducing the stellar vocal talents of Sian Chandler, who graced the ModeAudio studio to record this shimmering, 517MB set of royalty-free vocal hooks and samples, primed and ready to steal the show at the very heart of your next track.

The main body of the release is made up of 116 key and tempo-synchronised vocal loops, spanning lilting Downtempo lead melodies, bright, powerful Pop choruses, swooning, serene R&B hooks, drifting Chill Out verses and beyond.

From hushed and intimate to passionate and dynamic, every note of Sian’s singing exudes warmth, soul and oceans of sumptuously sonorous character.

Alongside the loops are 141 carefully sculpted, key-labelled vocal samples, made up of single words, phrases and mini-hooks which are crying out to be loaded into your favourite sampler and worked up inside your next vocal masterpiece.

If microphones are like windows into the soul, then let this collection of vocal samples bathe your productions in sweet sunshine and light – download Microphone Soul – Female Vocal Loops and plug in now!

……:::::: Product Specifications ::::::……
• Format: (.WAVs)
• 116 x Female Vocal Loops
• 141 x Female Vocal Samples – (Single Words – Phrases – Hooks)
• 257 x Individual (.WAVs) (.Loops/Samples) Files In Total
• Key And Tempo-Labelled
• 44.1kHz/24-Bit High Quality
• Compatible With All DAWs
• PC & Mac Compatible
• 100% Royalty-Free


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