[采样+MIDI+Loops=?]KrazyKeys – R&B Sessions (Loop & Midi Pack) WAV MiDi

[采样+MIDI+Loops=?]KrazyKeys – R&B Sessions (Loop & Midi Pack) WAV MiDi

R&B Sessions contains 18 royalty free compositions/loops. It boasts a huge library of over 100 audio files – almost 900mb! They have been mastered in 24bit/44.1kHz format, with plenty of headroom and minimal processing. This pack has been carefully crafted to provide the most original, fresh, infectious, and useable R&B melodies.

With the use of beautiful sounding live instruments, such as the piano, strings, electric guitar, and much more, each composition is full of soul and truly captures the essence of real R&B. This pack is extremely versatile, and can be used in multiple genres, such as R&B, Soul, Hip Hop, Trap, Pop, and more. Use the loops as they are, or slice them up and get creative! The midi for all audio files has also been provided, so you can go a step further by learning the chords and manipulating them to create your own, completely original, ideas – the possibilities are endless! Purchase R&B Sessions today, and start bringing real R&B back!

18 royalty free loops.
24bit wav. Format
Midi files for all loops are included.
All stems included (Over 100 audio files, 900MB)
Multiple instruments (piano, strings, guitar, bass, trombone & more)
Multi-genre (R&B, Soul, Hip Hop, Trap, Pop & more)
All loops are slightly syncopated for a truly authentic feel.
Compatible with ALL DAW systems (Protools, Logic, Ableton Live, Reason, FL Studio, etc)


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