Frontline Producer – The Sound Of Hammond WAV REX

Frontline Producer – The Sound Of Hammond WAV REX

Frontline Producer – The Sound Of Hammond WAV REX | 708 Mb

Frontline producer presents: The Sound of Hammond, a wondrous collection of recordings from one of the most famous musical instruments of the modern era. Played by an expert jazz pianist and recorded in professional studios – this pack will underpin any track with pure vintage soul!

Craig Milverton is a master of the keyboard and among the best Jazz pianists in Britian. A previous winner of the British Jazz Awards, his performance history reads like a who’s who of the jazz world. This time he has put his hand to the Hammond Organ for that authentic warm sound, with vintage character and presence. Inside the pack you’ll find Loops recorded at between 100-127BPM – catering for a variety of musical genres including Hiphop, House, Breaks, Funk, Rock, Big Beat, Triphop and many more. Each loop has been played in musical keys of A, C, E and G Major – giving you the flexibility to use them as starting points or to combine with your existing music.

Musical content includes soft progressions, melodic solos, storming riffs, held chords and more – played in a range of musical styles. A SK2 Hammond Keyboard was used for the principal recording, utilising a range of vibrato settings and some subtle analogue distortion. In detail expect to find 600Mb of content with 379 individual 24 Bit Wav files. Loops at 100BPM: 59 in C Major, 54 in E Major and 48 in G Major. Loops at 120BPM: 43 in A Major, 33 in C Major and 46 in E Major. Loops at 127BPM: 47 in A Major, 32 in C Major and 26 in G Major.

945 MB
24Bit 44.1KHZ
161 Hammond Loops at 100bpm
113 Hammond Loops at 120bpm
105 Hammond Loops at 127bpm
379 Rex2 Files


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