[尝个鲜Lo-Fi House]BVKER Lo-Fi House WAV MiDi-DISCOVER

[尝个鲜Lo-Fi House]BVKER Lo-Fi House WAV MiDi-DISCOVER

Analog drum machines and synths had a huge impact on electronic music for decades. Not for nothing can you spot their warm and distinct character in countless hit records.Since LoFi House samples are used and appreciated by producers till this day, BVKER and his sound design team decided to capture their whole diversity within a single sample pack. The result is an insanely diverse LoFi House sample pack filled with more than a thousand total files.

Included are hundreds of one shots from classic drum machines and legendary hardware synths, plus plenty of loops to get new ideas going quickly. All sounds have been carefully refined with various types of processing, including tape and tube saturation, filtering and compression.

LoFi House further comes with matching MIDI files, empowering you to give every melodic loop your own, unique twist… and it comes even better. The pack contains 4 full construction kits, which means that you’ll get your hands on all stems you can hear in the demo song! Grab this ultimate LoFi House sample pack now so you can finally give you tracks that analog touch they’re missing out on!

……:::::: Product Specifications ::::::……
• Format: (.WAVs) & (.MIDIs)
• 0004 x Construction Kits – (Including: • (.Audio Stems)
• 0031 x Individual (.WAVs) (.Audio Stems) Files
• 0276 x Bass Shots – (69 Multi Samples)
• 0435 x Drum Shots
• 0168 x Drum Loops
• 0040 x FX Elements
• 0080 x Melodic Loops
• 0040 x Individual (.MIDIs) Files
• 1031 x Individual (.WAVs) (.Loops/Samples) Files
• 1071 x Files In Total
• Key And Tempo-Labelled
• 44.1kHz/24-Bit High Quality
• Compatible With All DAWs
• PC & Mac Compatible


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