[TripHop 是什么鬼?]Bunker 8 Digital Labs Trip Hop Grit 4 MULTiFORMAT-DECiBEL

[TripHop 是什么鬼?]Bunker 8 Digital Labs Trip Hop Grit 4 MULTiFORMAT-DECiBEL

‘THG: Trip Hop Grit 4’ isthe latest and largest in the series of hard edged, downbeat, gritty Trip Hop grooves from Bunker 8.

Bunker 8 has gone to great lengths with the production, arrangement and engineering of this collection. ‘THG: Trip Hop Grit 4’ features Roland Space Echo grooves, back mic pianos, drippy electric pianos, long reverse atmospheres, live string arrangements.

Bunker 8 brings that Trip Hop vibe with a strong cinematic, bed track edge. This is the ideal collection to bring that certain edge, atmosphere and distinct, original groove to your compositions.

Each Kit comes with Loops, Full Stems and MIDI files. You will be able to break down, arrange, edit and construct your own mixes and arrangements in minutes.

Loops: 16 bar loop sets of every stem element for every track broken down with custom editing, leveling, and EQ. All you need to do is drop these into your favorite audio editor, DAW or sampler. These loops are all cross-platform compatible, so whether you need WAV files or AIFF Files, Bunker 8 got you covered.

Full Instrument Groups: In a hurry to create some demo arrangements? Need just the strings from your favorite loop set? Want to mix and match quickly across multiple Construction Kits without having to set up groups and load a bunch of loops that you don’t need? Unique to Bunker 8, they supply complete bus stems of all the major sections of the orchestra, including separate groups of percussion, bass and drum parts.

Full Mixes: Bunker 8 has created full mixes and sample arrangements for the first time in this collection. This allows you to quickly audition a Kit in its full mixed instrumental context. You can play with the various arrangement elements, lay down a quick ghost vocal track against it to test out to your scenes, or use it as inspiration for your own arrangement or track. It will be really tempting to use it all on its own, ready to go, just remember, the key to a great track is to make it your own!

MIDI: Each one of the construction kits comes with a full MIDI arrangement set aside so that you can dig deep into the intricacies of each of the parts and customize it the way you like. Make new tracks from the MIDI parts, add new arrangements, transpose at will without undo harshness in the arrangements. This collection makes it all possible.

All content is 100% Royalty-Free.

Product Details:
– 10 Construction Kits (Key & BPM Labelled)
– 497 Loops in Total
– 10 MIDI Construction Kit Arrangements
– 24-Bit Audio Quality (WAV & AIFF)
– 100% Royalty-Free Content


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