[非常人性化的管风琴 ]kontakt管风琴设备

[非常人性化的管风琴 ]kontakt管风琴设备

湖畔管风琴是一种罗杰斯钢与木管-电混合风琴,由风琴家唐·西尔斯(Don Sears)在加利福尼亚州奥克兰的湖畔实用基督教神庙录制。这种大型管风琴通过驱动压缩空气通过850个共15个等级的共振钢管和木制簧片来发出声音。我们捕获了6个主要音阶,涵盖了广泛的音调和动态范围:木制长笛音阶1和2,钢管音阶3、4和5和低音脚踏板。


这6个不同档位在各种音量下的组合,可提供范围广泛的音调。我们还采样了所有音符的释放触发器,以及附加的脚贝司,铃/长音以及带有风琴和演奏者音效的会议录音,使您可以直接放在风琴控制台。 UI包含许多出色的声音控制控件,例如膨胀,起音,释放,偏移,颤音,滤波器,音高(粗调和细调),清晰度切换,交叉渐变和分层等等。

“高级控制”窗口添加了其他选项,例如具有形状,目标,速度,强度,速度同步和淡入控制的LFO。您还可以从12个低通,高通和FX滤波器中进行选择,以及可分配的调制目标,例如速度,调制轮,表达式,键位置和步进序列表控制。 ARP系统具有速度音序器,并控制arp方向,音符定时,摆动,随机和持续时间。新的按键和音阶锁定系统可轻松进行旋律创作和现场演奏。我们的模块化FX机架窗口进一步完善了此功能,它带有18个不同的DSP效果模块,您可以按照希望的顺序在10个可用插槽中的任意一个中进行分配。您会发现经典的相位,镶边,延迟,失真,放大器和驾驶室模拟器,压缩器,均衡器,旋转器等等。


The Lakeside Pipe Organ is a Rodgers steel and wooden pipe-electric hybrid organ recorded at the Lakeside Temple Of Practical Christianity in Oakland, California, with organist Don Sears. This large pipe organ produces its sound by driving compressed air through 850 resonant steel pipes and wooden reeds, arranged in 15 ranks. We captured 6 primary stops to span a wide tonal and dynamic range: Wooden flute stops 1 & 2, Steel Pipe stops 3, 4 & 5 and the bass foot pedal board.

You can solo individual stops, use the stop mixer panel to customize your mix, or smoothly blend between them. The stop mixer panels make it easy to glide from the soft and gentle glow of the wooden reeds to the glorious roar of the steel pipes and growling low end of the bass pedals. There is also a selection of struck bar chime tuned percussion, bellows and blower sfx, sheet music page turns and more. We include a close stage position and wide hall position to give you free control over presence and ambience.

The combination of these 6 different stops at various volumes allows for a dramatically wide range of tones. We also sampled release triggers for all notes, as well as additional foot basses, bells/chimes, and session recordings with organ and player sound effects to put you right there at the organ console. The UI comes packed with lots of great sound-shaping controls like swell, attack, release, offset, vibrato, filter, pitch (coarse & fine), articulation switching, cross-fading and layering, and so much more.

The Advanced Control window adds additional options like an LFO with shape, target, speed, intensity, tempo-syncing and fade-in control. You can also choose from 12 low-pass, high-pass and FX filters, with assignable modulation targets such as velocity, modwheel, expression, key position and step-sequencer table control. The ARP system features a velocity sequencer and controls for arp direction, note timing, swing, randomization and duration. The new key and scale lock system allows for easy melodic composition and live performance. It’s all rounded out by our modular FX rack window, with 18 different DSP effect modules that you can assign in any of 10 available slots, in any order that you wish. You’ll find classic phase, flanger, delay, distortion, amp and cab simulators, compressors, EQ, rotator and so much more.

6 Different Organ Settings (Wooden flutes stops 1 & 2, Steel Pipe stops 3, 4 & 5 and bass foot pedal board)
Custom sound-shaping and advanced controls to give you complete creative freedom over every aspect of your sound.
Close and Far microphone positions for all presets
Long infinite sustaining notes and natural release samples
Additional bell/chimes tuned percussion organ sfx stops
Sound-designed custom FX presets

Product Specs
1 master NKI instrument bank in open Kontakt format
21 Custom Sound-Designed FX and Ambient presets
Multi-sampled acoustic articulations and designed atmospheric sounds
1584 stereo samples
2.85 GB Installed
24-bit, 48 kHz Stereo PCM Wav Format
Flexible and intuitive multi-layer user interface controls, with LFO, filter, glide, and arpeggiator.
Full FX rack with convolution reverb with custom rooms, halls, chambers & FX environments.

Kontakt version 5.5.2 (or later) is required to use . 请使用 KONTAKT 5.5.2 或更高版本打开


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