[骚气的采样包!]Origin Sound Fresh WAV-DECiBEL

[骚气的采样包!]Origin Sound Fresh WAV-DECiBEL

‘Fresh’ by Origin Sound brings a huge delivery of futuristic electronic samples designed by the ever fresh ‘Pryces’ and inspired by producers like Medasin and Electric Mantis.

Filled with invigorating music and Construction Kit loops, the music loops folder houses all the ingredients you could ever need to get the inspiration flowing at full speed. Ranging from happy tropical melodies ready to be played on a boat party, trappy melodies for a darker midnight vibe, bit-crushed buzzy chords that massage the ears, wobbly synths begging to be tossed in a beat, lush pads with perfectly crafted harmonies, soft jazzy keys that evoke a late night penthouse vibe, funky walking bass-lines, deep 808s and subs and more.

The Construction Kit loops are the perfect place to get a tidy overview of all the melodic and harmonic content in the pack, as well as find some inspiration and learn how the different elements of the sample pack can cohesively bind into a solid idea. These music loops are flexible and can be twisted and chopped into most genres. Whether you are sculpting a highly complex Electronic masterpiece or writing a simple but catchy summer Pop hit, this pack will have all the materials you need to assemble an attention-grabbing creation.

The drum loops in ‘Fresh’ are even more flexible than the music loops and could be used in a plethora of genres. From slower and swung Hip Hop grooves to more high energy Trap beats, the drum loops folder contains a broad variety of samples from punchy electronic and live drums creatively combined, unique snares that don’t sound like anything else on the market, phasey live hi-hats, Trap sounds that cut right through the mix, and much more. If pre-written beats are not your cup of tea, then hop into the drum hits folder and rummage for bits and bobs to construct your own. The FX folder is full of textures, risers, fallers and much more that will help you blend your track into a cohesive whole.

‘Fresh’ pairs electronic production with musical knowledge and creates a completely unique sample pack that offers invaluable insight into how the professional artists we all aspire to become design their masterpieces.

Product Details:

• 120 Drum Hits
• 60 Drum Loops
• 20 Bass Loops
• 20 Chord Loops
• 22 Melodic Loops
• 20 Construction Kit Loops
• 30 FX
• 100% Royalty-Free



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