Loopmasters – Synth Explorer – Pro One MULTiFORMAT

Loopmasters – Synth Explorer – Pro One MULTiFORMAT

Loopmasters – Synth Explorer – Pro One MULTiFORMAT | 678 MB

Synth Explorer: Pro One’ carries on this series of Royalty Free loops and one shot samples that pay tribute to the legendry synthesisers and drum machines that have inspired generations of electronic music producers from the early electronic revolution right up to the current day.

Released in 1981, the Sequential Circuits Pro One landed at a time where polyphonic analogue synths were flavour of the month. But this was no ordinary monosynth. What made the Pro-One so revolutionary was the incredible modulation matrix which offered unparalleled sonic possibilities. Add to that 2 monster VCOs, a powerful 4-pole lowpass filter, 2 ADSRs, audio input, glide, pitch bend, a built-in 2 pattern sequencer and an arpeggiator, then you have a sonic powerhouse, rightly regarded as one of the greatest synths ever made.

‘Synth Explorer: Pro One’ comes with over 1 GB of content from this electronic masterpiece. Featuring in excess of 300 loops and more than 500 one shot sounds. The Pro One delivers punchy bass, flowing sequenced loops, gritty synth sounds, beaming Leads and melodic arps. A wealth of one hits and multi samples include bass, synth and lead sounds, with FX consisting of risers, falls, white noise and SFX for background atmospherics and detail. Over 200 drum & percussion samples have been crafted using the synth engine and are included with a bonus collection of 26 drum loops.

‘Synth Explorer: Pro One’ stays true to the core, recorded raw, clean and with absolutely no effects, giving you the freedom and flexibility to add your own production elements. All loops are delivered at 90, 120 and 140 BPM making them ideal for Electronica, House, Techno, HipHop, Breaks, Synthwave and many other genres.

205 software sampler patches are included, pre-formatted for NN-XT, SFZ, Kontakt, Halion and EXS24.

For the first time, Loopmasters have provided sampler instruments for Renoise users in the form of 16 XNRI patches.

Synth Specifications:

  • Polyphony: Monophonic
    • Oscillators: 2 VCOs including VCO 1 Saw/Pulse, VCO 2 Saw/Tri/Pulse, White Noise
    • LFO: Saw, Triangle, Pulse
    • Filter: 4-pole Low Pass (CEM-3320 Filter chips) with Cutoff, Resonance, ADSR • Envelope, Keyboard Tracking
    • VCA: ADSR Envelope
    • Keyboard: 36 keys, Modulation Wheel, Pitch Bend
    • Arpeg/Seq: Arpeggio Modes: Up, Up/Down, Sequencer: 2 patterns of note info with 40 note capacity
    • Control: CV/Gate
    • Date Produced: 1981 – 1984
    • Famous Owners: The Chemical Brothers, The Prodigy, Fluke, Depeche Mode, Vince Clarke, Little Boots, New Order, Freddy Fresh, Prince, Soft Cell, Yazoo, Ed Rush and Optical.

The Pro One consistently delivers the beefiest synth sounds in Electronic music today. Everything you hear in the demo is from the Sequential Circuits Pro One, bass synths, leads, drums, the lot. Set the co-ordinates for the retro-future and join us on the biggest Synth Exploration yet.

Product Specifications:

  • 916 MB
    • 24-Bit/44.1kHz
    • 93 Synth Loops
    • 58 Bass Loops
    • 48 Sequenced Loops
    • 46 Arp Loops
    • 36 Drum Loops
    • 26 Drum Loops
    • 112 FX
    • 110 Drum & Perc Hits
    • 70 Bass Hits
    • 65 Lead Hits
    • 47 Synth Hits
    • 11 Multis
    • 311 REX2 Files
    • 205 Soft Sampler Patches


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