Loopmasters Ultimate Vocals MULTiFORMAT

Loopmasters Ultimate Vocals MULTiFORMAT

Loopmasters Ultimate Vocals MULTiFORMAT | 2.05 Gb

Loopmasters present Ultimate Vocals – a gargantuan collection of the very best Vocal samples from our extensive back catalogue. Ultimate Vocals is a breath-taking selection of premium recordings from a world of Vocalists at the top of their game – recorded in Professional studios, and 100% Royalty Free.

No stone is left unturned in Ultimate Vocals, which features over 3GB of Samples, covering every Vocal element including Loops, Phrases, Hooks and One Shots. You will find evocative Lead Vocals, soulful Blues Choirs, sharp Pop hooks and gruff Rasta MCs at tempos to suit all Genres, giving your production that essential human touch.

In detail expect to find an astonishing 3.31Gb of content comprising of 2000 individual 24 Bit samples. There are 181 Blues Vocals [17 Choir, 72 Female and 92 Male Vocals], 94 Drum and Bass Vocal Phrases and Loops, 236 Dub Vocals [74 Loops and Phrases, 162 One Shots and FX], 98 Funk Vocal Loops and One Shots, 146 Ghetto Funk and Break Vocals [114 One Shots and Phrases with 32 Vocal FX and Scratches], 214 HipHop and Electro Vocals [169 Loops and Phrases with 45 One Shots], 548 House Vocals [362 Loops and Phrases with 186 One Shots and Spoken Words], 70 Indian Vocal Loops, 40 latin Vocal Loops, 161 Movie Dialogue Samples [Including Kung-Foo, Western, Devil Island, and Flying Machine], 43 Pop Vocal Loops, 48 Robot Vocal Loops, AND…… 121 Trap Vocals [ 66 Loops and 55 One Shots. In addition to the Wavs, there are 19 Software Sampler Patches formatted for NNXT, Halion, Sfz, Kontakt and Esx24.

Home Page – http://www.loopmasters.com/products/4527-Ultimate-Vocals


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