!llmind Samples For Days Ultimate Bundle WAV

!llmind Samples For Days Ultimate Bundle WAV

!llmind Samples For Days Ultimate Bundle WAV | 3.68 Gb

Great sample loops are hard to come by. The ones with amazing texture, musicality & creativity. This bundle is for those who want and need amazing SAMPLE LOOPS.

All meticulously composed by !llmind using true analog synthesis, live instrumentation & techniques he is known for. “Master Clearance Guaranteed” means you can use these samples in any and all of your productions, and if a track gets placed, you get your production credit alongside co-production credit with !llmind. It’s just like collaborating with the man himself. Chop, loop, manipulate and flip to your hearts desire. A true one of a kind pack at an incredible price.

– 3.94 GB (Over 170 sample loops + STEMS)
– Cocaine Synths Vol. 1 – 3
– Red Crayon Killer Samples Vol. 1 – 2
– S.T.A.S.H. Loops Vol. 1 – 3
– The Grand Sessions
– All Chords Everything + BONUS unreleased samples.

Home Page – https://hiphopdrumsamples.com/products/llmind-samples-for-days-bundle-digital-download


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