Sample Magic Lo-Fi Pop MULTiFORMAT

Sample Magic Lo-Fi Pop MULTiFORMAT

Ambient melodics and lo-fi beats for modern Pop productions. Lush, futuristic and cinematic – this collection embodies the tape-saturated bliss of timeless synths and contemporary hits. Over 1.3GB of warm, evolving pads, cassette-warped leads, drum machined beats, cityscape atmospheres and bit crushed guitar licks for future lo-fi classics.

Lo-fi Chord Instrument Rack

Custom chord Rack for instant lo-fi tweakery…

Processing Tools:

Chord Selector > Quickly scroll through 30 chord samples from a range of vintage analogue and digital sources.
HP/LP Retro Filters > Dirty, unstable and driven filters for fat and resonant sweeps, as well as surgical sonic filtering.
Analogue Lo-fi > Dial in some analogue flavour. From vinyl sampling, through tasteful saturation and all the way up to aggressive brickwall limiting.
Digital Lo-Fi > Add some authentic ’80s feel with gritty sampling emulation, or opt for full on 8-bit madness that would make Mario blush…
Lo-Fi Delay > Complex ping-pong delay with a variable rate. Pop open the hood in the rack for even more processing flexibility.
Sample Editing Tools:

Pitch > Not happy with the range? Want to change key? Easily shift the pitch of your whole sequence with the pitch dial.
Tremolo > Add some extra wonkiness and instability to your sound with the tremolo dial. Create interesting textures and FX by varying the rate.
ADSR > Basic Attack, Decay, Sustain and Release tools for shaping your samples.

Download Contains:

657 x 24-bit Wav files
462 x Apple Loops
462 x Rex2 files
195 x MIDI files
5 Custom Kits for Maschine 2, Battery 4, Kong, EXS24 and Ableton Drum Rack
4 Sampler Formats for Kontakt, NN-XT, EXS24 and Ableton Drum Rack
1 Lo-fi Chord Sampler Instrument for Ableton Live 9.5 Suite



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