Black Octopus Sound The Golden Hip Hop Principle Vol 2 WAV

Black Octopus Sound The Golden Hip Hop Principle Vol 2 WAV

Black Octopus Sound The Golden Hip Hop Principle Vol 2 WAV | 742 Mb

Audioflair is back with The Golden Hip Hop principle vol 2 – the follow up to their smash hit collection of old school funk and soul samples. This sample pack captures the same warm & vintage style sounds that was so loved about the first volume and the sounds will fit right at home in hip hop, funky house, glitch hop, and other genres looking for that special vintage vinyl funk injection. No more need to dig through crates of records for those perfect vinyl samples, The Golden Hip Hop principle has you covered with 22 full loop kits, broken down into separate stems, one shots, and provided in full loops for maximum flexibility. This pack contains a wide selection of funky basslines, motown pianos, soulful keys, guitar stabs, gritty drums, and much more. All these sounds have been given the special processing to make them sound like they are straight out of a 70′s vinyl record. All loops and one shots are labelled with tempo and key information. All of the sounds in this pack are royalty free as well which means no more worrying about sample clearance for commercial releases.

• 22 Full loop kits
• 193 Stems
• 250 One shots
• 441 total sounds
• All royalty free


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