Studiolinked 出品的一个不错的音源合成器

Studiolinked 出品的一个不错的音源合成器

Funky Fingers is a virtual instrument engineered with the aspiring music producers and beat makers in mind. This dynamic software is influenced by Zaytoven’s signature sounds and features 500 presets divided across 18 instrument categories. The categories include: OJ Da Juiceman Chants, drum kits, church chords, melody starters, keyboards and organs. What’s more is that users have the capacity to create their own original sound with effects, features and controls such as Reverb, Chorus, Vibrato, Pitch, Glide, Arpeggiator, and Octave.

When asked about the motivation behind the creation of software, Zaytoven explained: “I just took everything I learned over all the years of making beats, playing the piano and put it in this one virtual instrument Engineered with the modern producer in mind.”
Funky Fingers is an excellent software as those who are looking for the right sounds and tool that will amplify their efforts to break into the industry. The software will be available for purchase exclusively on Studio Linked.


Funky Fingers是一款虚拟乐器,专为有抱负的音乐制作人和击败制造商而设计。这款动态软件受Zaytoven标志性声音的影响,具有分为18种乐器类别的500种预设。这些类别包括:OJ Da Juiceman Chants,鼓组,教堂和弦,旋律启动器,键盘和器官。更重要的是,用户可以创建自己的原始声音,包括效果,功能和控制,如混响,合唱,颤音,音高,滑音,琶音和八度音。

Funky Fingers是一款出色的软件,因为那些正在寻找合适的声音和工具的人会放大他们打入行业的努力。该软件仅可在Studio Linked上购买正版。

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