[采样器]Ueberschall Elastik Player v2.6.3

[采样器]Ueberschall Elastik Player v2.6.3

Our latest version of Elastik, developed in conjunction with zplane.development, is the most powerful that we have ever developed. It provides a complete toolkit for modern music producers working with audio loops. Audio loops can be an essential part of many musicians creative process and, with Elastik, you get a fast, efficient and flexible set of tools.

With its intuitive Loopeye editing environment, the high-quality pitch and tempo manipulation algorithms build into its playback engine, the ease with which it can be used either as a stand-alone application or as a plugin within almost any DAW on both Windows and OSX platforms and the huge collection of Elastik-ready sample libraries spanning almost every conceivable musical genre, Elastik is a powerful workstation for loop-based music creation.

Creative Tool

While Elastik is a hugely creative tool, it also provides an extremely efficient workflow. The streamlined browser means that no matter how large your Elastik loop library becomes, you can always find just the right loop in an efficient fashion. Elastik also includes advanced features such as tagging and filtering make it easy to narrow down any search. The browser allows you to easily audition loops in realtime in sync with your project. And if you want to add new loop libraries from the Ueberschall range, the authorization process is fast and secure.

Once you have identified loops to use within your project, they can mapped to Elastik’s virtual keyboard ready to be triggered from within Elastik, via your MIDI keyboard or from your host sequencer. A range of different triggering methods are available so you can ensure that your loops stay locked in sync with your project. Elastik’s sophisticated time and pitch shifting algorithms – featuturing zplane’s cutting edge audio processing technology – maximizes audio quality and means you have independent control over both and maximum flexibility when it comes to matching loops to the tempo and key of any project.

The Elastik-Engine

The engine is, however, also very efficient, meaning that you also get CPU-friendly processing. And if you want complete control over the time and pitch stretching process, the new Time tab within the Loopeye editor allows you to choose between six different algorithms, from the simple and super efficient PitchSpeed to the high quality ProV3 which gives you the maximum scope for varying pitch and tempo while minimizing audio artifacts. This tab also includes new stretching FX for additional creative options.

In addition to the pitch and tempo manipulation, Elastik’s central Loopeye forms a detailed loop-editing tool. A large number of parameters can be adjusted, including slice-based pitch-shifting, volume and pan adjustment, reverse, formant adjusted, filtered and resampled. Elastik even includes a random sound replacement function; one click of the random button and Elastik will suggest an alternative loop, providing just that bit of additional inspiration when you need it. All this can be done on the fly and without leaving the Elastik environment.

Elastik’s key Features include:

+ innovative Loopeye functions
+ fast browser features (multiple filter search, tagging)
+ prelisten in sync
+ sequence mode (loads of editing features per slice)
+ random sound replacement
+ parameter automation
+ realtime sync to host
+ multiple outs
+ bounce of original and modified loops
+ resizeable window format
+ mutiple soundbank management
+ timestretch and pitchshift in best quality

Ueberschall’s Elastik player and Elastik loop libraries; an essential and extremely flexible combination in the studio for the creation of professional music productions.



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