SKYES Audio Augmentation Elements Library WAV

SKYES Audio Augmentation Elements Library WAV

Frustration. You’ve spent hours on a project, only to end up with a sound scape that feels incomplete. The action scene feels empty, the weapons don’t sound heavy enough, the transitions don’t pack enough of a punch, the space ship doesn’t feel large enough and the monsters aren’t sufficiently scary.
The Augmentation Elements library has been built with this problem in mind. Due to the library’s abstract nature, the Risers, Stings, Swells and Whooshes can be molded and manipulated into adding that missing element that you’re looking for, and sweetening the whole mix.
In order to save you time and help you quickly find the sounds that you need, SoundMiner metadata has been carefully created for each individual file. There are no ‘Scream, 1’ and ‘Scream, 2’ in this library! Every single file is individually described, and the use of numbers is not employed!
Have a look at the metadata list further down the page!
Now, Your futuristic energy weapons don’t sound full enough? Try layering some of the stings and swells underneath them.
That large space ship doesn’t seem large enough? Grab some whooshes and pan them to your heart’s delight.
The alien doesn’t sound scary enough? Some of the stings sound eerily close to vocalizations. Grab them and run wild.
Are crucial transitions in your film lacking punch? Drag some of those risers into your DAW and see which one fits best !

155 audio files
219 MB Unpacked Size
32bit/96kHz Sample Rate
Single user, royalty-free licence – for a multi-user license, contact me
Rich SoundMiner Metadata



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