[Xfer Serum音色扩展]Cymatics Catalyst for Xfer Serum FXP

[Xfer Serum音色扩展]Cymatics Catalyst for Xfer Serum FXP

If you hadn’t already noticed, major artists such as KSHMR, W&W, and Armin Van Buuren have been releasing Psytrance lately.

There has been a huge movement towards this deeply adventurous genre which has ALWAYS been a staple of rave culture.

We want you to be prepared for your adventure into this realm…which is why we created Catalyst for Xfer Serum.

We studied the Top 100 Psytrance songs of today including genre experts such as Astrix and GOMMI to create the most important preset pack ever created for Psytrance.

It took our team of producers a long time with a ton of groundbreaking experimentation in sound design to get you these sounds. The presets in this pack are versatile enough to be used on their own OR layered together to create an endless variety of music…

We’ve got the ripping bass stabs, anthemic leads, gorgeous plucks, terrifying screeches, and high-speed sequences that are ready for use in the next Psytrance anthem. If you don’t have these sounds at your disposal, you are truly at a disadvantage!

It is difficult to pinpoint which part of this pack is the highlight, because everything sounds completely massive!

Don’t miss out on this essential asset to your next production.

Included in this pack:
10 Bass Presets
4 Lead Presets
5 Pluck Presets
4 Screech Presets
7 Sequencer Presets

Format: .FXP
File Size (Zipped): 32.6 MB
File Count: 30 Presets



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