!llmind Cocaine Synths Volume 4 Limited Edition Pack WAV

!llmind Cocaine Synths Volume 4 Limited Edition Pack WAV


!llmind Cocaine Synths Volume 4 Limited Edition Pack WAV

April 29 2018 | 382.90 MB
“More aggression, melody, more dirt, more inspiration. The most FLAWLESS dark trap loops & textures available on the market. In a nutshell, this is what Cocaine Synths Volume 4 brings to the table. Drawing inspiration from various analog synthesizers created and used in the 70’s & 80’s, I wanted to create a sample set of loops using those same synthesizers (aka ‘Cocaine Synths’) that evoke those emotions I was so fondly of listening to, growing up as a child. Here, I’ve created 20 more ‘moments’, equivalent to those same moments when the needle touches the vinyl, and you find that perfect section to loop, chop & create a masterpiece from. Warmth, depth, aggression and texture define this sound set. Owning these samples is a no-brainer.” – !llmind


– 20 Completely original and unique compositions, ready to be looped, chopped & processed to your hearts desire (2.14 GB Total unzipped)
– Audio stems for each sound set are included!
– All sounds are original compositions, entirely created by !llmind
– Gear used: Emu Proteus 2000, Arp Odyssey, Mini Moog, Fender Rhodes, Korg Micro Preset, Yamaha CS20M, Farifsa Polychrome, Casio FZ-1, Arp Explorer 1.
– All audio recorded on 1/4″ Reel To Reel Tape LYREC PTR-1 aka the “Frida” for warmth
– Comes in stereo WAV 16/44 formatting
– Compatible with any DAW (Protools, Reason, Logic, Ableton, Fruity Loops, etc)



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