Delicate Beats Wav KONTAKT

Delicate Beats Wav KONTAKT

Delicate Beats Wav KONTAKT | 2.42 Gb

WAV is an analog synthesizer library designed with one core principle in mind: straight grit, out-of-the-box. Here’s what you get: 60 unique synth patches (Basses, Arps, Keys, Plucks, Chords, Pads, Leads, Polysynths and Stabs).”WAV” is our new analog synth library. At close to 5 gigabytes of new original content, WAV is by far our most generous offering. WAV was designed to give you this new, gritty analog synth sound made popular by producers working for artists such as The Weeknd, Tory Lanez, Post Malone, Migos, Bryson Tiller and many more.

With WAV, we set out to do what others don’t dare: create dirty, gritty, old school-sounding synth patches. Sometimes, clean-sounding software synthesizers just don’t cut. WAV is all analog synths and signal paths, but with modern and cutting-edge sound design behind it.

To breathe even more life into these dirty retro synths, we have programmed a unique macro knob called the Wavy knob. The knob has two very characteristic effects found in most trap and synth wave modern productions. The wavy side bring that filtered, reverb-y vibe, while the “Run” side create an old distorted lo-fu radio effect. Both effects can also be combined.

All patches (except chords) come with two highly useful pitch envelopes labeled “rise” and “fall”. It is now easier than ever to create rising synth sweeps and bass downers. Simply move the faders up and down to control the length of your transition effect!

WAV is all analog: analog synthesizers, analog arpeggiators and analog reverbs and effects. All this equipment can become very expensive very rapidly. We understand that. We also understand digital synthesis sometimes just doesn’t quite cut it. You can now enjoy a LOT of analog goodness for a very reasonable price.



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