Orchestral Suite for UVI Falcon

Orchestral Suite for UVI Falcon

Orchestral Suite gives you access to over 60 classical instruments in a single convenient and affordable package. Take complete control of your own orchestra including strings, brass, woodwinds, percussion instruments, a full choir, and many complementary instruments such as a beautiful cathedral organ, harpsichord, celesta, classical guitar and harp. Select from ensembles or solo instruments, choose different playing styles, and further tune your suite with per-instrument controls for realistic and expressive performances. Every sound in Orchestral Suite was meticulously recorded and edited to ensure a deep sense of natural realism and playability.


Pristine Sound Quality
Recorded in numerous sessions around the world with some of today’s top performers, Orchestral Suite was created to provide an accessible world-class symphonic tool for composers and producers of any background. Recording sessions were carried out at the highest quality possible, carefully planned to deliver a full range and natural color, capturing a multitude of articulations, playing styles and alternates. The finished instruments perform exquisitely, delivering superb and nuanced dynamics and an immediate tone.

Fast And Intuitive Workflow
Orchestral Suite includes custom tailored user interfaces for each instrument, providing intelligent controls that cater to their unique qualities and playing styles. A convenient key-switch system is enabled for many instruments, allowing on-the-fly articulation changes that make complex performances a breeze. Visual design was focused on providing a minimal and sophisticated aesthetic in order that the interface itself becomes transparent and that transitioning from one instrument to another is seamless. The result is an extremely intuitive workflow that helps you get more done in less time.

Advanced Convolution Reverb
In order to achieve an even more accurate sense of realism, all instrument includes a state-of-the-art convolution reverb with a number of premium IRs. Place your ensemble in Europe’s most famous concert halls, churches and cathedrals, with control of mix and dry/wet signals. UVI Engine’s convolution reverb delivers immaculate results with a low CPU hit allowing you to use it generously. When working with larger orchestrations you can load the convolution reverb as a send effect directly in UVI Workstation for the best possible performance.

Extreme Performance
Utilizing recent advances to the UVI Engine, Orchestral Suite’s 15,645 sample footprint has been reduced to an astounding 4.62 GB (lossless compression). Samples are decoded and streamed in realtime with negligible CPU cost, making this the fastest loading, most portable orchestra ever. Real-world performance gains are instantly noticeable; incredibly so on large, multi-instrument arrangements.

Orchestral Suite delivers a full orchestra with the pristine sound quality and ease of use that UVI has become known for, all at a fantastic price.


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