W. A. Production What About: Drum and Bass Nightmares WAV-FANTASTiC
FANTASTiC | 30 November 2023 | 623.17 MB
激动人心的鼓和贝斯以其惊天动地的即兴重复段和令人陶醉的节奏震撼您的内心。 但是,为了引起人群的反应,您需要拥有最好的声音,因此 W.A. Production 很自豪地为您带来什么:鼓和贝斯噩梦!
Electrifying Drum & Bass can shake you to the core with its earth-shaking riffs and intoxicating rhythms. But, to elicit that reaction from a crowd, you need to have the best sounds, so W.A. Production is proud to bring you What about: Drum & Bass Nightmares!
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