Acustica Audio Cerise 2023 WIN

Acustica Audio Cerise 2023 WIN

File Size: 24.1MB

Cerise 是一个“英式”通道条,结合了麦克风前置放大器、三频段均衡器和压缩器。 它现在是广受好评的 Big Ceil 插件套件的一部分。

许多人将原始设备描述为“新复古”装备,大概是因为它是地球上最优秀的电子工程师和企业家之一的创意。 尽管硬件保留了该品牌历史产品的精髓,但它是围绕新型变压器增益构建的,并配有 A 级麦克风前置放大器。 电感均衡器部分、二极管电桥压缩器和饱和电路完成了整个过程。 Cerise 封装了该硬件的“本质”,保证了与模拟同类产品同等的真实声音。


Cerise is a ‘British style’ channel-strip that combines a mic preamp, a three-band EQ, and a compressor. It is now part of the acclaimed Big Ceil plugin suite.

‘New Vintage’ Channel Strip
Many describe the original unit as a ‘New vintage’ piece of gear, presumably because it is the brainchild of one of the best electronic engineers and entrepreneurs to ever grace the planet. Although the hardware preserves the essence of the brand’s historical products, it is built around a new type of transformer-gain, with a class A mic preamp. An inductor EQ section, diode bridge compressor, and a saturation circuit complete the picture. Cerise encapsulates the ‘essence’ of this hardware, guaranteeing an authentic sound on a par with its analog counterpart.

What’s New
official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.




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