Soundiron Hyperion Strings Solo Violins KONTAKT-ohsie

Soundiron Hyperion Strings Solo Violins KONTAKT-ohsie

Hyperion Strings Solo Violins KONTAKT…Hyperion Strings Solo Violins es una biblioteca universal de violin solista disenada para todos.jCuenta con dos bibliotecas completas de violin solista en una,para duetos realistas y ricas opciones de capas!Lo hemos grabado,disefado y programado con gran cuidado y precision para lograr un nuevo punto de referencia en calidad y ejecucion.

Hyperion 弦乐、小提琴独奏、KONTAKT……Hyperion Strings Solo Violins 是一个为每个人设计的通用小提琴独奏库。 它具有两个完整的小提琴独奏库合二为一,可实现逼真的二重奏和丰富的分层选项!我们非常谨慎和精确地记录、设计和编程,以达到质量和执行的新基准。

Hyperion Strings Solo Violins KONTAKT

ohsie | 14 November 2023 | 6.86 GB

This library features two violinists for life-like duets and layering options. With each player, we included a complete range of chromatic articulations, and an extensive collection of improvised melodic phrases in various styles, dynamics, tempos and keys.



Esta biblioteca de violin solista sinfonico es un robusto caballo de batalla de produccion musical que le sera de gran utilidad,ya sea que sea un compositor,estudiante,productor,compositor,profesor,arreglista,banda, disefador de sonido o simplemente tenga curiosidad por crear su propia musica.Hyperion Strings Solo Violins tiene un sonido intimo y robusto como ningun otro.

Hyperion Strings Solo Violins KONTAKT

6 ajustes preestablecidos maestros
Sustains,Staccatos,True Legato,Sordino,etc.
9.538 muestras estereo
Formato NCW estereo sin perdidas de 24 bits y 48 kHz.
1.900 frases expresivas
Gran variedad de teclas y estilos
Sistemas de arpegio y asistencia de reproduccion adaptativa
WEB:Hyperion Strings Solo Violins

This symphonic solo violin library is a robust musical production workhorse that will serve you well,whether you’re a working composer,student,producer,songwriter,teacher,arranger,band,sound designer,or are just curious about creating your own music.Hyperion Strings Solo Violins has a intimate and robust sound unlike any other.It has a powerful tone and expressive dynamic range that can be shaped to fit any genre or style.We’ve equipped the interface with plenty of spatialization,environment simulation and positioning controls and options to let you dial in the sound and character you need.

Hyperion Strings Solo Violins KONTAKT
·6 master presets
Sustains,Staccatos,True Legato,Sordino,etc.
·9,538 Stereo Samples
24-bit,48 kHz Stereo Lossless NCW Format
1,900 expressive phrases
Huge variety of keys and styles
Adaptive Play Assist and Arpeggio systems
WEB:Hyperion Strings Solo Violins

Hyperion Strings Solo Violins KONTAKT


Hyperion Strings Solo Violins is a universal solo violin library built for everyone. It features two complete solo violin libraries in one, for life-like duets and rich layering options! We’ve recorded, engineered and programmed it with uncompromising care and precision to achieve a new benchmark in quality and playability. We set out to strike the ideal balance between polished refinement and natural humanism, giving you maximum creative flexibility, advanced utility and sonic realism. With each player, we recorded a complete range of detailed and deeply multi-sampled chromatic articulations, as well as an extensive collection of improvised melodic phrases in a range of styles, dynamics, tempos and keys.

This symphonic solo violin library is a robust musical production workhorse that will serve you well, whether you’re a working composer, student, producer, songwriter, teacher, arranger, band, sound designer, or are just curious about creating your own music. It’s optimized for instant gratification, from the moment you load it up. Its intuitive modular design and content symmetry make it easy to use for the beginner. Yet its robust articulation list, dynamic capabilities, time-saving articulation management tools, deeply customizable acoustics and professional feature set make it exceptionally powerful in the hands of the seasoned composer. Hyperion Strings Solo Violins has a intimate and robust sound unlike any other. It has a powerful tone and expressive dynamic range that can be shaped to fit any genre or style. We’ve equipped the interface with plenty of spatialization, environment simulation and positioning controls and options to let you dial in the sound and character you need.

Hyperion Strings Solo Violins 是一个为每个人打造的通用小提琴独奏库。它集两个完整的小提琴独奏库于一身,可实现栩栩如生的二重奏和丰富的分层选项!我们以毫不妥协的谨慎和精确度对其进行了录制、设计和编程,以在质量和可玩性方面达到新的基准。我们着手在精致的精致和自然的人文主义之间取得理想的平衡,为您提供最大的创作灵活性、先进的实用性和声音的真实感。对于每位演奏者,我们录制了一系列细致而深入的多采样半音阶发音,以及大量具有各种风格、力度、节奏和调性的即兴旋律短语。

这个交响乐独奏小提琴库是一个强大的音乐制作主力,无论您是在职作曲家、学生、制作人、词曲作者、教师、编曲家、乐队、声音设计师,还是只是对创作自己的音乐感到好奇,都可以为您提供良好的服务。从您加载它的那一刻起,它就针对即时满足进行了优化。其直观的模块化设计和内容对称性使其易于初学者使用。然而,其强大的发音列表、动态功能、节省时间的发音管理工具、深度可定制的音响效果和专业功能集使其在经验丰富的作曲家手中异常强大。Hyperion Strings Solo Violins 具有与众不同的亲密而强劲的声音。它具有强大的音色和富有表现力的动态范围,可以适应任何流派或风格。我们为界面配备了大量的空间化、环境模拟和定位控制和选项,让您拨入所需的声音和角色。



This library includes both 1st and 2nd violins with Master, Phrase, and True Legato presets for each violin. The Master presets include a wide selection of articulations, each with their own range of customizable real-time performance options, key-switch and mapping options and performance tools. These master presets allow you to blend and switch effortlessly between sustains, a variety of shorts and naturally dynamic tempo-based expressions.

The Sustain articulations give you a plethora of sustain types with vibrato of different speeds and intensity, most recorded naturally in both piano and forte dynamics. Also included is an entire section of sordino articulations, with sustains, expressions, and shorts.

The Short articulations include staccatos, spiccatos, pizzicatos, colle, col legno, bartok pizzicato, and more! Each short articulation provides 4 round-robin variations per note, making it easy to humanize your arrangements and find the perfect emotive expression for any musical moment.

The Expressions allow real-time dynamically-aware release sample triggering, tempo-synching and time-stretching. We’ve included Crescendo, Decrescendo, Sforzando, and Swell articulations. When combined with the Offset and Attack controls, you can carve out just about any dynamic shape you could ever need.

The phrase presets feature a massive collection of live phrases, organized intuitively by root tempo and mood. Tempo-synching, time-stretching, and pitch transposition give you complete freedom to customize. You can also shape, blend and sequence phrases with our phrase-legato, step sequencer, speed-control, and live waveform editing.



延音发音为您提供了多种延音类型,具有不同速度和强度的颤音,大多数在钢琴和强音力度中自然记录。还包括一整段 sordino 发音,包括延音、表情和短音。

短发音包括断奏、短奏、拨奏、colle、col legno、bartok 拨奏等等!每个简短的发音为每个音符提供 4 个循环变化,让您轻松实现人性化,并为任何音乐时刻找到完美的情感表达。

表达式允许实时动态感知发布样本触发、速度同步和时间拉伸。我们包括了 Crescendo、Decrescendo、Sforzando 和 Swell 关节。当与偏移量和起音控件结合使用时,您可以雕刻出几乎任何您需要的动态形状。



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